dunno if anyone's even reading this anymore

May 21, 2011 14:44

in an e-mail i sent to dan:

ok so my brother's basketball coach is being prosecuted (just investigated apparently) for statutory rape right now. he started an affair with a 15 year old student 14 years ago, and when he was caught by his wife then, he promised to stop and it blew over. but she caught him again with the same girl last year, so she's filed a suit and now the media's picked up on the story and it's all over the news. i'm RAGING so hard right now cause he just called his basketball team to go to the temple to 拜拜 with him tomorrow, because apparently the ritual would require ten men, and they would all go on a vegetarian diet for him for three days, in hope that it would bring him good luck and he wouldn't be in more trouble. i've tried to talk my brother out of going the whole morning, but he feels that cause the coach has been really kind to them for the past few years, he would seem ungrateful to just cut contact with him, or not show support for him right now, so he's gonna go. TO SUPPORT A TEACHER FOR RAPING HIS UNDERAGE STUDENT WHILE COMMITTING ADULTERY. SO YEAH I'D SAY THERE IS A MAN CLUB. IN WHICH MEN ARE WILLING TO LOOK THE OTHER WAY AND CONDOE THIS SHIT AND STAY BUDDY-BUDDY WITH ONE ANOTHER. AND MY OWN BROTHER IS AFRAID TO TAKE A STAND AND INSTEAD OF CONDEMNING THIS, IS LIKE "WELL BUT I WOULD KIND OF LOOK LIKE AN ASS IF I DIDN'T SHOW. HE'S BEEN REALLY GOOD TO US." I CAN'T EVEN AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

and again, all the reports focus on how shocked the schools he works in and the professional basketball community are about his having extramarital affair because he and his wife have always "look so happy together." and the university's official statement is that "he's been a really great teacher here, and we regret the unfortunate events that have transpired." so basically nobody has a problem with the fact that a 15 year old girl, a ninth grader, has pretty much been groomed to be this adult teacher's sex object, in an affair that continued for 14 years. nobody has expressed outrage over this, not the school, not his colleagues, and not his students. everyone's super careful and super polite and super incredulous over the fact that he would cheat. like honestly, i feel like i'm crazy. like these people, have they never met a 15 year old girl? how has nobody, not a single reporter, a single faculty member, a single student, a single dude friend of his, addressed and condemned this? REALLY I'M LIKE DOUBTING MY SANITY HERE. WHY/HOW IS THIS NOT EVEN AN ISSUE.


so yeah. this is pretty much my life right now.
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