Jan 18, 2008 18:08

Ahh, the lovely feeling of an impending three-day weekend. *contented sigh*

Of course, there's the "boo, laundry" part. And the "boo, homework" part. But those are part of life. And brand new this weekend, there's "boo, I need more ink for the printer and neither of the nearby stores-that-sell-printer-ink sell the kind my printer uses".

Also, I have to cook again, since I finished off the stew. I'm really not that in to cooking. It's sort of fun, yeah, but there other more fun stuff I would rather be doing. Plus cooking means washing dishes, and if I don't wash them right away, no one else can wash their dishes either, so it just piles up and then I have to do all the dishes.

And inevitably, someone leaves a wooden spoon soaking in the water. Gross.

So, what's happened since my last post?
The knee socks are working out quite well, to my pleasure. And since I'm wearing jeans and tall boots, I can mis-match them if I should so please and pretend I'm secretly Pippi Longstocking. This pleases my inner child.

Tuesday, we continued working with the fastwrite-that-I-DONOTWANT, ie the one that you're supposed to base on an argument you've witnessed. As the teacher neglected to inform us until around the end of the period that it could be an argument you read in a book/saw on TV, I was distressed because I hate it when people fight around me and therefore repress such things. So my piece annoys me. And then we had to swap them with someone else, and they had to use our piece to inspire a piece of their own. Therefore, that one poor guy in my class has a crap piece to work from, and I have to write another argument. Boo.

Wednesday was more Watchmen. This teacher also has a tendency to go on, but she does sometimes call on people one after the other -- also, people pipe up more to answer without raising their hands, so that's good. And she already knows my name. Hee.

Thursday, we broke up into five-or-six-person pre-assigned groups and peer-edited three stories each. I only had to peer-edit two, since I was one of the three. I got a lot of good feedback, although I did forget to ask if I'd managed to give the impression that the protagonist was a morally darker-shade-of-gray type or not. Whups. The other two girls had a good start too, but their narration just felt really passive to me when I was reading it. I tried rephrasing some of their sentences when we were talking to make them feel "more active" to me, but I couldn't do it. I'm wondering if it was just me.

Later that evening, I finally got around to checking Facebook and found out that my friend Robert had invited to his birthday go-out-for-food party thing. The food in question was delicious, and the place made its own root beer. Also, one of the waiters there ninja'd up behind me and scared the crap out of me when he asked if I wanted a refill. I then announced his ninja-hood to the general vicinity (well, within a relatively small bubble, since the place was pretty noisy) and cracked up everyone sitting near me. Then we went back to Rowan's apartment and had really really good cake. There was also cuddle-piling and a visit from Rowan's roommate's mouse.

Today, I offered to lend the first Blue Beetle TPB to my teacher, since we were talking about post-humanism and cyborgs and more Watchmen, which involves two characters based on the first and second Blue Beetles, and really, Blue Beetle is awesome. Also, I ought to pick up the latest Booster Gold sometime soon because it currently has four Blue Beetles in it.

And OMG OMG SQUEE, Young Avengers Presents is coming out next week! The preview scans ( here) look quite promising. I am excited and full of DO WANT. Presumably there will be an explanation as to why Eli's still with his grandparents when he's breaking the (stupid stupid STUPID) Super Hero Registration law and the former-heroes-now-asshat-douche-trucks know who he is.

Bah. Now I've gone and annoyed myself again. Oh western-style Comics, why must you be filled with suck right after I develop an interest in you?

young avengers, links, comics

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