more 40_verses

Dec 14, 2006 20:54

Title: The Show Goes On
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Cassie Lang, the Vision, Henry Pym, Tony Stark, Reed Richards
Prompt: 26. “Free at last, they took your life. They could not take your pride.” -- ‘Pride’, U2
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Set after Cassie crosses to the Pro-Registration side of Civil War.
Summary: The Pro-Registration heroes have captured the Vision
Disclaimers: They don’t belong to me. They belong to Marvel and various other people. I’ll put them back when I’m done playing.
List of Prompts (with the links) to be found here

“YOU KILLED HIM!” Cassie shrieked, flinging herself at Henry Pym, fingers curled into claws. “YOU KILLED HIM! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!”

“Cassie! Calm down!” Tony Stark shouted, grabbing her and holding her back from the startled super hero. Cassie took a wild swing at him too and broke out of his grip, collapsing at the low table where the inert body of the second Vision lay.

“Something was wrong with him, Cassie.” Stark tried to explain as her shoulders shook with sobs. “He was malfunctioning. This was the kindest-”

“GET OUT!” Cassie screamed. “GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!”

“Come on, Tony.” Reed Richards said, putting a hand on his friend’s shoulder as Cassie turned back to sobbing. “Let’s leave her alone for a bit.”

The super heroes all filed out of the room, trying not to listen to the blonde girl crying wetly onto the cold tabletop. The door slid shut behind them, closing them off from her tears.

Cassie sobbed into the silence.

The Vision’s body sparked a little. There was a buzz of electronics and Cassie wiped her eyes, rising to her feet.

Light flared in the Vision’s eyes and he sat up.

“[Did it work?]” he asked.

“Like a charm.” She replied. “I should to get an Oscar for this or something.”

“[Are you sure you’ll be all right?]” the Vision asked, turning to put his feet on the floor.

“If you’re surveillance-blocking stuff is working, then I’m golden. How did you make them think you were shut down for good anyway?”

“[Well, essentially-]”

“Tell me later, I imagine we’re a bit strapped for time.” Cassie interrupted. She held her arms out. “Okay, knock me out so I have deniability. I’m not going to be much good as a spy if they lock me up for aiding and abetting the enemy.”

“[Be careful, all right?]”

“Same to you.”

The Vision rendered Cassie unconscious as painlessly as possible and caught her before she could hit the floor. He carefully laid her out on the table in his place and activated his hologram - now he was Cassie and she was his inactive body. He knelt down by the table in her position and nullified the surveillance loops. Slowly, “she” rose to “her” feet and covered “him” with a white sheet, like one would do with any dead body.

The Vision gave into temptation and “she” brushed a kiss over “his” sheet-covered forehead before leaving the room.

“She” had plans to carry out.

40_verses, ya fic, ficcary, young avengers, comics

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