Aug 16, 2004 02:15
My friends,
This is difficult to post, but it's even more difficult to have to personally deal with. I have begun to come to terms that I have developed a serious problem with the way I communicate with others, particularly as it pertains to members of the opposite sex. If I have hurt any of you because of this difficulty, I want to apologize personally. I'm very proud to consider you all friends, and I'm writing you know to humbly ask for your help. I'm not sure how you all can help exactly, aside from keeping me accountable for my actions and keeping me in your prayers. I know that I am capable of beating this and know that I need to do so. And in the end, I know that it's truly up to no one but myself, but I know that I could definitely use the support of you, my nearest and dearest. Thank you all for all you've been for me in the past, and God willing, will continue to be in the future.
God bless you all.