oo4 » video

Sep 20, 2009 20:00

The Hitomi turns on, instead of breaking, when Deidara throws it against a tree. Maybe it didn't want to break. But it turns on and it lands and there's Deidara, back to the device, shaking with a desperate sort of fury. And he unleashes hell on the landscape around him ( Read more... )

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seeingeyeshark September 22 2009, 03:39:20 UTC
[Kisame watches the show silently, impressed in spite of himself. It's.... well, beautiful. Majestic, even. Impressive the way Deidara's art so often is. He likes to see the shrapnel flying and the dust clouding in the air, the way the brilliant plumes of fire burst forth and the shockwaves ripple and streak outwards, lashing out without heeding anything in their path, striking and toppling all that dares to get in their way. He likes the way the water hisses like an angry, living thing, the way the smoke and steam billow and spread and obscure the landscape, coiling together until they're so twisted up they become one. The crater is a wonderfully large one, still scorched and smouldering from the explosives, and Kisame can't help but approve.]

[But that expression.... his eyes. After so many years being partnered with Itachi, Kisame has learned to read subtle signals. And everything in this video, beyond the artistic merit, shows that Something Is Very Wrong. Deidara crumpled on the ground like that.... He frowns in concern.]

Deidara-san.... What happened?

[Pathetic, he knows. But at least he didn't ask if he was okay--he obviously wasn't. And there's not much of a way he can help if he doesn't know what the matter is.]


clayfireworks September 22 2009, 03:48:17 UTC
Nothing happened. [Which is precisely the issue here.]


seeingeyeshark September 22 2009, 04:10:03 UTC
Why are you acting this way, then? [This is confusing....]


clayfireworks September 22 2009, 04:12:02 UTC
There's no point in acting any other way.


seeingeyeshark September 22 2009, 04:12:48 UTC
....Why not?


clayfireworks September 22 2009, 04:13:41 UTC
Nothing matters anymore. [His tone is monotone.]


seeingeyeshark September 22 2009, 04:16:58 UTC
.....What makes it not matter anymore?

[So confusing. D: All he's getting is a sense of pointlessness and emptiness, and no source. And explosions obviously aren't helping.]


clayfireworks September 22 2009, 04:18:13 UTC
If art doesn't matter, nothing does.


seeingeyeshark September 22 2009, 04:30:34 UTC



[And very suddenly, it all clicks together; Kisame looks appropriately horrified at the thought, as understanding suddenly dawns. Not being able to enjoy battle and killing.... The idea is atrocious. He can't help but worry now.]

How did this happen? Are you with Sasori?


[Private] eternalscorpion September 22 2009, 05:18:59 UTC
[Sasori looks drained, almost as lifeless as his partner does.]

Deidara is with me. He was...nearby, when he found a scroll that did this.

I'm attempting to determine how to reverse the effects.


Re: [Private] seeingeyeshark September 22 2009, 05:36:26 UTC
A scroll....? How would a scroll cause something like this? [Kisame's irritated huff is much more genuine than Sasori's have been today; he's confused, but rather displeased with the whole affair.]

I'm sorry this is happening, Sasori-san.... If there's anything I can do to help, with Deidara or with figuring out how to reverse this, please let me know. [Just because he's taking care of Itachi doesn't mean he can't still help out another Akatsuki pair in need.]


[Private] eternalscorpion September 22 2009, 06:52:57 UTC
[Sasori's expression darkens considerably, as the anger over this situation bubbles up close to the surface.]

You've seen what the gods have done to Leader-sama's...disposition. I believe they're likely responsible for this as well.

Clearly they haven't tired of toying with our minds just yet.

[He takes a moment to force his frustration down, and sighs. He's grateful for any help he can get to return Deidara back to the way he was before.]

I appreciate the offer. I've not had much time to examine the problem yet, but my suspicion is that whatever effect this scroll had may work similarly to a genjutusu.

While I possess some knowledge in this field, it's not my primary area of expertise. I know that Deidara and Itachi have had their difficulties, but I'd be grateful if perhaps you could speak to your partner about it, since he's more accomplished in this area.


Re: [Private] seeingeyeshark September 22 2009, 08:23:27 UTC
[Kisame all but snarls outright at the thought, disgusted; he clearly isn't happy with that idea. Haven't the gods fucked with them enough?]

Maybe so.... Have you and Deidara tried finding the scroll yet? That might give you some clues.

As for Itachi.... well, he would be incapable of helping you directly right now. But I'll ask him if he has any advice on this, regardless.


Re: [Private] eternalscorpion September 22 2009, 23:36:18 UTC
Yes. Unfortunately Deidara doesn't quite remember where he left it.

[Sasori sighs.]

It's possible he blew the scroll up during that display of his, but we'll keep searching regardless.

In this state he isn't very helpful.

[He doesn't ask about Itachi. He's having enough difficulty dealing with Deidara's condition as it is, and doesn't really want to add on any additional concerns. Besides, it's clear Kisame is choosing to be secretive about Itachi's status, so Sasori doubts he'd get much of a straight answer about it even if he did ask for further details.

Instead, he simply nods.]

I understand. Any advice he could provide would be helpful.


clayfireworks September 22 2009, 05:43:48 UTC
Yes. There was a scroll.


seeingeyeshark September 22 2009, 05:46:49 UTC
A scroll.... what did it say? Do you still have it? [Strange.... Why would a scroll do anything like this? Was there a genjutsu in it? He shakes his head a little.]

Sasori should be able to take care of you. But if I can help with anything, let me know, okay?


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