oo4 » video

Sep 20, 2009 20:00

The Hitomi turns on, instead of breaking, when Deidara throws it against a tree. Maybe it didn't want to break. But it turns on and it lands and there's Deidara, back to the device, shaking with a desperate sort of fury. And he unleashes hell on the landscape around him ( Read more... )

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[Private] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 00:28:31 UTC
[Not this again. Didn't Deidara already get his fill of this sort of excessive behavior with that ridiculous mountain business?

Especially after what they'd been up to yesterday and earlier today, Sasori would have expected Deidara to be feeling quite worn out, so what in the world is his partner thinking?

He's irritated, but there was something...unsettling about Deidara's expression that makes him pause for a moment before he responds, and his tone is less sharp than it would normally be.]

Well, at least you didn't blow up a damned mountain again.

[He sighs.]

Did you hurt yourself again, you fool? Where are you?


[Private] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 00:30:07 UTC

[His tone is entirely flat.]


[Private] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 00:41:43 UTC
[Something definitely seems a little off about his partner's behavior, and it's troubling Sasori; Deidara had been fine earlier...]

...Are you sure you're all right? You're...

[Sasori pauses, unsure of how to articulate exactly what's bothering him about all this, and huffs, retreating back to more comfortable irritation.]

Really, what was all that about, anyways?

Will I have to drop everything and come get you? Or can you actually make it back home yourself?

[Home...because Sasori's home is Deidara's home now too, as far as Sasori is concerned.]


Re: [Private] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 00:47:56 UTC
I was testing something. It didn't work. It'll never work anymore.

[He's dropped the "un", for one. And his tone's still dull.]

I'll be able to get back.


[Private] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 00:53:54 UTC
[Something definitely isn't right.]

What are you...?

[Sasori sighs, and his tone softens.]

Nevermind, you can tell me when you get back.

...Come home.


[Private] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 00:55:45 UTC

[Aaaand action begins! He wanders in through the door a bit later. Actually quite a bit later, as if he didn't fly. And he didn't. He walked.]


[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 01:02:35 UTC
[Sasori stops pacing, and turns to face Deidara as he enters, his irritated tone hiding his relief at seeing his partner back, and apparently unharmed.]

It's about time you got here. What in the world took you so long to get back?

...Oh, nevermind.

Now then, explain yourself. What was all that about?


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 01:04:48 UTC
[What was what abou--Oh.] It doesn't matter. [He sits down on the floor, looking rather lost.]


[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 01:15:53 UTC
[Sasori is distinctly unsettled by Deidara's listlessness. His partner had been cheerful and exhuberant only hours before, so what in the world is behind all this?

He tries to suppress his concern, so as not to upset his partner further, but is not entirely successful.]


Something's wrong.

[He crouches down and tentatively grasps Deidara's hand, studying his partner's expression carefully.]

What happened after you left? And don't tell me that it doesn't matter. Explain.


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 01:23:50 UTC
[He doesn't really react to Sasori's movement, preferring to stay exactly where he is and do nothing more than breathe. But he does speak, after a moment. He's not even upset--he doesn't think he's anything. He's nothing.]


[Which is the problem. All those explosions, and--and nothing. He felt nothing.]


[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 01:31:40 UTC
[What is this.

This isn't Deidara.

His partner's utter lifelessness is making distress twist up inside of Sasori, and he becomes more insistent, frustrated that he's not getting a proper explanation.]

Nothing? What do you mean, nothing?

You're...you're not...yourself.

What happened to you? [Please tell me.]


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 01:33:01 UTC
[He's quiet for a while longer. He isn't looking up. He doesn't look up, even when he speaks.]

I didn't feel anything.


[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 02:59:17 UTC
[Sasori's brow furrows. He feels that twisting inside of him getting worse, as a certain suspicion begins to grow about just what Deidara is talking about.]

What do you mean, you didn't feel anything? When?

[He squeezes Deidara's hand gently.]

You can feel it when I do this, can't you?


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 03:02:05 UTC
[Deidara looks at Sasori's hand dully.] Yes.

[He's quiet for a long time. It's not physical. His art--he couldn't--he didn't--]

It doesn't matter.

[Nothing matters, if art doesn't.]


[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 03:06:56 UTC
[So it isn't physical.

Sasori's voice softens, even as his grip on Deidara's hand tightens.]

What doesn't matter?


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 03:08:53 UTC
Nothing matters.

[Not even art.]


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