Aug 17, 2006 19:13
So as a result of not liking Carlos Mencia, I have the apartment to myself tonight since everyone is at the concert. I feel like a party pooper. I guess I'll order Chinese food to compensate.
Okay, let's get a running commentary of my 4 classes real quick:
-human geography: professor is just out of wisconsin grad school, big tall guy with a huge blond frizz-hair thing and a huge beard, like Peter in that episode of family guy. He's enthusistic and stresses critical thinking. The freshman like him. He's kinda like Bernotas, except Bernotas is the guy who reaches out to all the college students who go downtown and get hammered, but this guy appeals to all the shyer types because he looks like he came from a StarTrek convention. So far he's cool.
-world civilizations: the prof is good, she knows her stuff, but she is really dry. this will be my least favorite class because it's just monotone lecture all around. i get sleepy in classes like that.
-history of latin american culture: this prof lady really knows her shit, liberal originally from amherst area, really really enthusiastic about what she teaches and carries a lecture with great interest, flair, bravado, etc. i like the class. and 90% of the grade is from essays, YESSSSS. I love essays. James is in my class and surprisingly he's "that student that replies a shitload to the professor's questions, both real and rhetorical", i did not know he was such an outgoing student :O . well hes an honors frat kid so nevermind that doesnt surprise me so much.
-elementary spanish: wowowow. our prof is sweet, named Javy and a grad student who just came from Spain. THERE IS NO ENGLISH BEING SPOKEN IN CLASS. I LOVE IT. What I don't love, however, are the pouty kids in our class that refuse to adjust to such learning and slow everyone else down by being bitches (one of the downfalls of a non-honors elementary foreign language class). I hope they leave through drop add.
so yea, its quiet here. justttt chilllinnggggg.... im bored already. i guess i'll study. *gasp