Up to No Good in NYC

Jul 14, 2007 22:49

This evening after dinner and vanilla/chocolate gelato, 
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meeting members of the fandom, picspam

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sockmonkeyhere July 18 2007, 05:30:43 UTC
*grin* Oh, I've done the ass-in-public thing, too! During the summer between BtVS Season 7 and AtS Season 5, one of my friends and I took a road trip to Florida and brought along her homemade Spike doll. That poor creature got posed in the most insane places, while strangers in the street walked past us and stared. And then there was the James Marsters convention where at least a dozen of us went staggering all over the Queen Mary with little Spikes and Angels and Ozes, laughing hysterically and doing things like this:

And then there was the Houston convention where we put them in the hotel's hot tub as actor Camden Toy looked on in amusement:

See, you're not alone! ;D


herself_nyc July 18 2007, 13:17:54 UTC


clawofcat July 18 2007, 13:34:36 UTC
You are utterly delightful. Those hot tub pics...*snort*


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