Things that piss me off about the CoS movie - or "Why Steve Kloves is the AntiChrist!"

May 12, 2003 12:20

JKR gave up way to much control over the content of the movies - I say this because of two egregious errors in CoS - errors that anyone who professes to be a HP fan would have known to avoid! It makes me wonder if Kloves or Columbus read the whole published series or not - I suspect not!

Heinous flouting of canon rules #1:

Lockhart's classroom - (the book)the pixies are released, Lockhart tries his ineffectual spell, a pixie grabs his wand and tosses it out the window.
(the movie) the pixie grabs the wand and uses it to sever the link holdig up the chandelier.
(the problem) GoF - wand usage by magical creatures. JKR makes it pretty clear via the lynch mob that is ready to string up Winky, that a wizards wand is not something used by any critter that gets his/her hands on one.

Heinous flouting #2 - (and this one is really unforgivable - literally and figuratively) returning the diary:

(the book) Malfoy realizes that he has been tricked into freeing Dobby. He lunges at Harry and Dobby zaps Malfoy. Lucious reaches for his wand, and Dobby threatens him with a finger...
(the movie) Malfoy pulls out his wand and says "Avada..." before he gets *thwapped* by Dobby.
(the problem) Do I even have to say it? No where in the movies have we seen a reference to the unforgivable curses - yet we are supposed to believe that Malfoy is preparing to throw everything away to kill Harry in the halls of Hogwarts? I have to believe that if JKR had *any* say over what happened in the films she would have had a cow about that travesty. Yet, there it is, so she obviously is completely impotent in the course of filmmaking - yet muct be contractually obligated to to say that she loves it all.

Thats it for now. I spent all day yesterday suffering the aftereffects of some dodgy dim sum from Saturday. Let me just say, a freeway is *not* where you want to be when you realize that you *really* need to regurgitate. I will say that I did find a place to pull over and get out first.

I made it to work and stayed there long enough to make sure that I was covered. This was the first time in seven years that I have been too sick to play Mass.

I want to go see a movie today - but I don't know what is on - I've already seen X2 twice, which doesn't mean I wouldn't be willing to see it again - but I am in the mood for something different.

Soylent Green - its not just for breakfast anymore!
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