Sorry, I didn't mean for it to turn into a bitchfest

Mar 03, 2008 20:30

Well, since the weirdness has ended temporarily I guess I'll post again. I did my budget and I have one word: FUCK! This country is truly sucking me dry. Fucking Irish economy just had to get really awesome right before I came didn't it? Fuckin' fuck.

Okay, now that that's out of my system, it'll be okay. I just might have to dip into the credit cards a bit more than planned (which sucks, yes, but is better than starving in Ireland or not getting to do the things I really want to do). I'm not going completely crazy and if I'd known a couple of weeks ago what I know now I could've saved myself some debt on the Dublin trip. Apparently one of my SCA friends's old roommate lives in the Dublin city centre and would probably let me crash there. Unfortunately since I've already made plans and bought tickets and hotel accomodations (and b/c the trip is this sunday) it may be too late to benefit from that knowledge. Of course, on the other hand, it could still prove beneficial (maybe I can make yet another research trip to Dublin later in the semester --there is a great deal of useful info there in the archives that I'd love to get to and won't have time to in the week and half I'm there this time). Anyway, maybe if I start networking I can find crash space in Belfast...that would be fucking awesome! I hate being poor...

Anyway, it's all good b/c I am enjoying myself anyway and will enjoy the trips that may or may not run up credit cards (depending on networking). Right now the trips stand as follows: I'll be in Dublin March 9-18th (it's a nice city really--kickass archives there); Belfast sometime in late april/early May (I think); London and Edinburgh first two weeks of july. Really those are the only trips I'm doing...if I had some major fundage I would hit the European continent as well (my advisor is living in Italy and I don't even think I can afford to take advantage of the couch she offered to let me crash on). But, I'll take what I can get...I've never been to the North of Ireland or Scotland or England, so this will still be horizon-expanding in that respect. Living in Galway is awesome too, a very nice change from America in many ways. Even though I'm walking 3-5 miles a day (often with several pounds of backpack or groceries) I'm not losing weight for some bullshit, eh? I decided this morning to completely quit weighing myself b/c I was feeling especially disenchanted by the 7 weeks of working my ass off with no seeming weight change. Okay, I am kinda cramping and feeling crappy today, so not the best day to be weighing myself anyway.

I'm gonna stop here b/c I did not mean to just bitch and whine so much. Maybe when I feel better I won't do this so much. I really am having a good time and enjoying myself, it's just hard to make it sound that way when I feel as shitty as I do at the moment. And getting laid would probably cheer me up as well (I can't even play with my sex toys much b/c the roomie rarely leaves for long periods of time, argh!) TMI? Good!
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