the fandom is alive with song

Jan 24, 2014 09:31

The Coming of Spring by xfortytwo (Arthur/Merlin, 10k, NC-17, canon, pining)
Kings, even new ones, were not supposed to long for their menservants. They shouldn't let their eyes linger on their wrists, the plump of their lips, or the shape of their thighs. Arthur knew this, but he still wanted. There was nothing about Merlin he didn't want.
♥♥♥ It's an Ingberry canon fic. O___O This should tell you "GO READ IMMEDIATELY". But in case you wanted more coherent commentary, it's a beautifully told tale of pining and Arthur being a king, adjusting to his new role and missing the old. Some parts are really poignant and the sex is scorching and emotional at the same time, not an easy feat for a canon fic. The banter is so them and the ending... *sighs* It's so well-done.

So Brightly Dangerous by nympha_alba (Bradley/Colin, 3k, PG-13)
Four times that Colin and Bradley nearly kissed and one that they really did (or two, but the first didn't count).
♥♥♥ Ahhhh this is the cutest. I really loved their characterizations here. And it has a reference to fandom which had me cracking up. Lovely read! ♥

Happily Ever After by aharesbreath (Arthur/Merlin, 2.8k, PG-13, modern AU, fluff)
In which Arthur rescues his damsel in distress and gets his happily ever after.
♥♥♥ I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't this lovely little fic. It's adorable in the best way, with a charming writing style that never felt too saccharine IMO. :D Also, ARTWORK!!!

For Starters by malu_3 (Arthur/Merlin, 15k, PG-13, modern AU, age difference & coming of age)
Pendragon’s restaurant is like a second home to ten-year-old Merlin, and the older Arthur his idol. Returning to Camelot after many years away, Merlin follows his nose and stomach back to Pendragon’s - and his heart to a new understanding of Arthur.
♥♥♥ Oh, this fic. How do I even begin? It's such a wonderful coming of age story with solid characterizations, strong writing and about the best damn child POV I've read in a while. It's simultaneously painful and yet also freeing--that change from child to adult and how it's shown to us feels a bit close to home. Also, ARTHURRRR. (I'm just imagining him with a more military-ish haircut here and it's doing things to me. But I digress.) It's a lot better than I'm making it sound but I'm all out of words tonight.

fic recs: merlin, fest: glomp_fest

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