I love everyone in this bar.

Jan 21, 2014 23:33

yoooo glomp_fest in the house.


Arthur's Scandal by digthewriter (Arthur/Merlin, 4.3k, R, modern AU, fake relationship)
Arthur's been caught in a scandal, and he needs to establish a prominent relationship with someone who will help him with his image.
♥♥♥ This was a nice start to the fest. Pining! Pretend relationships! I liked M and A a lot in this story and was glad to finally see them get together. XD

I Only Wanna Dance With You by neuroticnick (Arthur/Merlin, 7.8k, NC-17, modern AU)
Merlin is in love with his best friend, Arthur. Every year they go to Gwen and Lance's spring party and every year Arthur leaves Merlin to dance with countless men while Merlin gets drunk. This year is different.
♥♥♥ I love this because they start out as friends already, and the awkward transition from friendship to something more was done well. It was adorable and--you can't go wrong with 1. teenagers 2. pining. PINING TEENAGERS. Also tongue piercings. Nuff said.

Golden Threads by mssdare (Arthur/Merlin, 11.6k, NC-17, canon, spells)
When Arthur drinks enchanted water Merlin does everything that is in his power to save his king, even if it breaks his heart.
♥♥♥ Whoa, Merlin is Piney McPine here. (My trope love, let me show you it.) That said, this is so beautifully written. I'd previously read the author's PL, so I knew the writing would be good. It's fantastic since I didn't expect such a lovely story from just the summary alone--but trust me, it turns into a beautiful canon fix-it (yes!) story. AND HOLY SHIT ARTHURRRR. ARTHUR, I want to hug this story's Arthur to bits. Ugh he was so Arthur. He was a great Arthur. A wonderful Arthur. I loved Gwen here as well. And the M/A relationship? TAKE MY HEARRRTTTTT.

For Every Hand is Lunatic by tu_es_mi_amour (Arthur/Merlin, 22 notes, PG, modern magical AU, epistolary)
Arthur and the knights are frat brothers who turn to their magical roommate Merlin to deal with various supernatural crises.
♥♥♥ What the summary says! This is a media fic and it's fantastic! The author has a great sense of their voices and it's adorable and hilarious at the same time. Go give them your love!!

I'll catch up with the rest on the weekend!

fic recs: merlin, fest: glomp_fest

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