the spn meme stolen from everyone

Apr 11, 2012 22:16

1. Deangirl or Samgirl?

Eh. I like them both? But I've got a preference for Dean, I guess. That is, if I get sucked into reading some awful cliche badfic that I know is going to be badfic from just the summary, it's almost always because it has a Dean-related hook. But that doesn't mean I don't like Sam. Just that I can tolerate a higher level of badfic if it's premise is Dean-related. (To further illustrate, I have read more badfic about how dean-actually-is-an-angel/has secret powers/is a special snowflake than I have badfic about Sam-as-the-boy-king/savior of mankind/psychic superhero.  That's not to say I don't end up regretting  reading the badfic, just that I am more likely to finish it. Except if there's character bashing.)

2. Casgirl, yes or no?

No use lying on this one....the fact that he wasn't going to be around was probably the tipping point in my decision not to catch this season of the show. (It wasn't my only reason! It was probably though the last reason for me to stick around, though). He has all the best entrances. I don't think he should be around 24/7, I just enjoy him as a character. I frequently enjoy him less as a character in fandom, though, just because the canonical character is a tricky balance of often superficially contradictory characteristics, and fandom tends to Flanderize one aspect or another (extreme woobie cas, naive lost lamb cas, robot cas, and my least favorite that usually combines many of the above, "fledgling" cas)

3. Favorite season?

Four, hands down. It's the one that hooked me. But at the same time, as much as the over all arc/end game of Season 5 disappointed me (such bad pacing, among other things) it also had some good episodes, so there you go.

4. Favorite episode(s) from your favorite season?

So many.  Monster Movie, Wishful Thinking, Monster at the End of The's not season 4, but the End is one of my favorite episodes of television. And Changing Channels was awesome. As was Weekend at Bobby's. (Why can't that be the show? I want to watch that show.)

5. Season you're most likely to re-watch?
Four? I guess.

6. Season you hate the most?

Hmm. Six kind of lost me. It wasn't bad, it just kind of left me cold?

7. Favorite episode of the current season?
That time loop episode on Fringe. ;)

8. Least favorite episode from the current season?

Well, since I'm not watching, I can't say for sure, but just the premise of that Becky episode had me glad I haven't been watching.

9. Favorite angel (besides Cas)?
Gabriel. I know a lot of people were less than happy about the Trickster reveal, but I really liked it. As a character, it made him a lot more interesting. And it kind of worked to tie in the earlier seasons with the whole apocalypse stuff. I ended up watching Mystery Spot again while writing both Syndicated SciFi Show and Unique, and it struck me that his whole thing with Sam worked really well in retrospect: one, he's trying to scare Sam off the whole "revenge! revenge! Culminating in 'I shall kill an innocent person and use their blood for my scheme'" schtick, and two, the aggression he shows towards Sam especially. I know a lot of the Sam/Gabriel stuff likes to make it into a fascination with Sam, but to me it reads as contempt (this holds up in Changing Channels as well). In my head-canon, it's because he over-identifies Sam with Lucifer and is taking out his anger at the whole stupid rebellion thing out on him.

10. Least favorite angel?
Anna. Nothing against her personally, it's just that every time she popped up on screen, I was forced to remember grace kidneys/trees and angels that were sad about not having any emotions. (Why, Supernatural, Why? You did so well with the scary otherwordly thing with Cas. Why did every other angel have to go around emoting about not having emotions all the damn time?)

11. Favorite demon?

I've liked meg in her more recent appearances, I guess.

12. Least favorite demon?

The sexy lady ones that show up only to be sexy, saucy, and then tortured and killed.

13. Favorite one-episode character?
Hmmm.I know there have been characters I've wanted to show up again, but I can't really remember them off the top of my head. I always liked the waitress in Monster Movie.

14. Sam's hair looked best in which season?

When I see them all laid out together, I can see better hair cuts and worse hair cuts, but I haven't really thought enough about it to remember which were which.

15. If the show would have ended the way Kripke wanted it to, with Sam and Dean battling each other and jumping into the hole together (and God might show mercy on them, idk), would you have preferred that?

Not really. It might have made more sense for what the season had been hinting, but no, I don't think so, and not just because it's depressing. A big part of my disappointment in the end of season 5 was that I felt so much of the season had been about Sam's insistence that he would never say yes, and becoming less fatalistic...his determination not to repeat his earlier mistakes, to be lead by power and addiction, and all that, so him turning around and saying, "fine, I guess demon blood is the way to go, and also, I'll say yes because I'll be able to take over Lucifer because of REASONS, okay,"  just....didn't work for me.

16. Best cast character throughout the whole show?

They've got SUCH good casting. I can't choose. Ignoring the leads for a second, I'm going to put Ellen, Castiel, and Bobby in a threeway tie.

17. Do you think Chuck is God?

I think that's what was least at the end. I am ignoring it. It makes no sense! It ruins the excellent meta of Monster at the End of the Book, and that makes it heresy.

18. Who's a hotter psychic, Patrica Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt or Sam?

Sam, especially when half naked and doing pull ups.

19. Freedom or Peace?

Truth! Justice! Reasonably Priced Love! A Hard-Boiled Egg!

20. Dimples, freckles, eye-crinkles, bowlegs, bangs, woobie frowns or jaw clinches?

Gotta agree with bellatemple on this one and say shoulders. Also, arms. Also, tight t-shirts.

21. Favorite kind of monster?

The crazy shapeshifter.

22. Weapon of choice?

Sniper made an appearance in season 6, didn't it? That's probably freudian... I also liked the gun in the thigh holster in the End.

23. Favorite death?

Bah. I don't like death. Um...ooh. How about the opening to Dark Side of the Moon? I was so kind of bummed that it ended on an emo note, because that was a pretty awesome opening.

24. Favorite minor character's death?

Too tired to really think of one, but probably some bad guy that was very satisfyingly killed in some last minute rescue/bit of awesome.

25. Pre-apocalyptic, apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic?
Hard question. I liked the build up to the apocalypse the best, because the apocalypse itself was such a non-starter. To the point it actually made me angry when in season 6 they were all, "remember the apocalypse? Like that giant earthquake that obliterated Boston and also all that other-world-changing destruction we totally mentioned last season I am sure?"

The End rocked though. I love the end 'verse.

26. Scariest episode?

Hard to say. This show goes more for the angst than the horror. I guess that season 3 one towards the end with the body parts guy? That was kind of creepy.

27. Best song that mattered for a scene? (you can't choose Carry on Wayward Son)
I'm not sure it mattered-mattered, but I loved "Spirit in the Sky" in the opening of Good God Y'all

28. Best and worst young versions of characters?

Young Deans are always the worst. They've got a damn good young sam though.

29. Characters I ship like crazy?
I don't do shipping for this fandom.

30. Favorite female character?

Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen. Ellen.

31. Best and worst season intro and finale?
Season 4 intro was very good. It totally hooked me on the show. I tend to skip the finales, haha, so I don't have an opinion there.

son, monkey see monkey do

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