Three Weeks Ago = Went to Gazzy's graduation shindig in The Cats (a.k.a. Los Gatos) at her new house, which was a pretty splendiferous occasion if I say so myself. Although I did get to stay over I had to get up at like, 7-something to leave with Justin and Dylan. WHY, YOU ASK? Justin and I went to the Pride Parade, and...we just needed to get Dylan home. XD I'd never been before, but it was pretty fun. And, ah, interesting. 8D Even more importantly, after almost four years of knowing him I got to go to Justin's house :o ..and meet his mom. (Sidenote: No one has ever been to Justin's house. Except for me and Dylan, now.) I also took an Accuplacer test-y thing at Holy Names and discovered that MY CAMPUS IS FULL OF WILD ANIMALS. There was a cat just wandering around, and suddenly out of nowhere A DEER. Soooo cute.
Two Weeks Ago = Went to Erin's house for 4th of July, watched a bunch of awesome and awesomely bad movies. (Buckaroo Banzai <3, The Nun, Mean Girls, and Night of the Creeps which apparently can be bought on DVD..? >.>) Megan and I stayed over and watched Chowder and Flapjack for a while and ate really fucking delicious chocolate chip pancakes. Two days later was a massive meetup for the biggest Berkeley Bingo game EVER (12 people: Team Shaopping Cart=Megan+Erin+Bennett, Team FAG=me+Justin+Jen, Team Manana=Peter+Melissa+Ben, Team Super Awesome Wolf Squadron=TJ+Dax+Danyn) which was a wild success. We also played a card game called Kill the Hippies which is really fun, but..we learned a lot about each other, one could say. XD Justin came over after with Apples to Apples which my mom now LOVES, and the 7th was my mom's birthday so she, Dylan, Grandma, Sylvia, Sylvia's friend Pat, Justin, and I all went out to delicious pizza dinner at Zachary's.
A Week-ish Ago = I went to an orientation-thing at Holy Names called Hawk Day, which was kinda interesting. I found out that my school has waffle fries in its cafeteria.. :o Why is that so exciting. XD Also I started playing Phoenix Wright like a crazy person and was almost done when my brother rented Pokemon Diamond and stole his DS back from me. (I have also been playing Pokemon Yellow. I have a Pidgey named Alabastor and a Rattata named Sassy.)
SO, I mentioned I have a baby sparrow? Yeah. My mom's co-worker found it in front of Diablo Foods, so she took it to the Lindsey Museum (local wildlife rehab place) who determined that the bird is a house sparrow, which is not indigenous to the United States, meaning they could not keep it and unless anyone could take it home, they would have to euthanize it. My mom kind of volunteered, and here we are. It's almost three weeks old and we're calling it Tuppence (my mom and I = weird). We're still not sure if we're keeping him (it? her? Idk, apparently it's really hard to determine bird sex.) but he's hanging out in a cage in our bathroom and being fed with a liquid syringe every few hours. (Fun Fact: House sparrows are traditionally kept as pets in England.)
Aaaand yeah. Now I'm preparing (I haven't started packing yet >.> ) to go down to SoCal tomorrow and hang out in/around Comic-Con. I may be on the Internets a bit just to make sure things don't explode or whatnot, but really I'll be busy. :D And then after I get home I almost immediately leave to go to visit my grandparents in Gualala for a week. Which is cool, because I haven't been there in a while, and the last time I was it was only for a few days.