Darn you, taggers.

Oct 03, 2007 14:13

That is IT, I give up sleep forever. It does bad things to my brain. Last night I made the horrible mistake of going to bed a little earlier than usual (11:30pm) instead of 1 am-ish. Instead of getting 6 or less hours of sleep, I managed to obviously get more. Because I slept more, I have been drowsy ALL day and incapable of putting together coherent sentences. This little paragraph has taken WAY longer than it should have.

The Survey thingie :D

4 movies you can always watch:
- Men in tights.
- The Truman Show.
- Everything is illuminated.
- Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

4 towns you lived in:
- Temuco
- Temuco
- Temuco
- Temuco

4 shows you like to watch:
- Scrubs
- 24
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Angel

4 websites you visit daily:
- HPRPG.net
- Sluggy.com
- themuffin.org
- Livejournal.com

4 favorite foods:
- Rice!
- Most chinese food
- Candeh? ¬.¬
- Sushi. ^_^

4 places you'd like to be now:
- Paris
- London
- Rome
- The land of perpetual summer break.

4 friends/victims you want to take this survey:
Alfie, Dablutz, Sarah, YOU. (vO_O)>


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