Some poorly crafted fangirlsm.

Oct 01, 2007 20:23

Anyone that knows me enough is well acquainted with the fact that I LOVE Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Anyone that's seen Buffy the vampire slayer will see how much of an awesome TV show it is. Maybe someday, SOMEDAY, when I get over the money I spent on this USB drive, I will get the seasons because there is yet to be another TV show as good as BtVS.

It's not hard to notice that the character I love the most is Spike. The reasons are diverse; he is the most enthralling character in the series. He starts his story in human form, going by the name of William the bloody for his bloody awful poetry. He gets turned into a vampire, where he earns the nickname of Spike for running spikes through a dude's head. He kills two slayers and in the process of going for the third, he gets a chip implanted on his brain that doesn't allow him to hurt human beings. But seriously, he goes from whimp, to bad ass, to traitor, to... I won't spoil it for Sarah. I know she's still on Season 5.

However, I made icons. ♥_♥

Well, they're definitely up for grabs even if I don't think they're too good. My muse was a bit sleepy today.


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