Give Me a Hoo Ha Two Times Tuesday!!!

Aug 23, 2005 17:52

Anyway today I had to get up at 8:30 and go to doctors. I was just there last Thursday. I was out quick though thank god! I didn't have there today! After that I went to the video store and I rented The Notebook. I can't believe school starts Thursday. It dosen't even feel like school supposed to start! Last night I watched The Audrey Hepburn Story and it was ok. Jennifer Love Hewitt was a really sad Audrey. It got me ticked they couldn't get the movie scenes right. Ok in Sabrina they danced on a tennis court not by a pool. Their Bogart was really sad. It was this old fat guy. He hardly looked like him! Then in Breakfast at Tiffany's the screwed up the ending in the finale. Ok they had the taxi come up and she came out wrong! The taxi was stopped up the street and she came running then she looked for Cat and then we had our beloved ending to Breakfast at Tiffany's. Man if your do it do it right! Anyway earlier I get a DVD out of DVD shelf and glass door comes out! I'm like ok..... I tried to fix it but my glass door is now on my couch. I took a nap and now I am up from it. I should be going to Target later and getting some chinese! YUMMY! Also I watched Mildred Pierce last night on TCM with Joan Crawford and let me tell you her daughter is a bitch! I mean it! I'm not one who swears a lot but she is one! I would have shot her! I think shes worse than Scarlett! Man I'm gald she went to jail! That was a good movie though! Too much bitch-slapping drama for me! Too intense! Mildred should have slapped her harder! I swear that slap wasn't hard enough! Who's daughter marries a guy then decides to divorce him and lie that your having a baby to get money from him when your really not! Man I was soooo gald when she ripped that check! Go Joan Crawford! Well I am going to go!
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