Monday, Monday!

Aug 22, 2005 17:56

Well today was a very boring day! It's cold outside! Anyway I got up around 9:30 had breakfast, took my shower. I went to the library. How exciting! The thing I hate the most about the library is the Librarians! I swear they hate me! Well expect for one this blonde. She like in her 20s and I think we used to go to the same piano teacher. She played very nice too. She's nice to me ask hows it going but all the others they get soooooooo pissed at me for getting all these old movies from the Midland library! I'm sorry the Bay City branch has sucky movies ok but don't take it out on me! Man I am gald I got TCM saved me a lot trips! Anyway after that I went to Pet Supples Plus which is like the coolest store. They actually let you bring in your dog and they have cute dog treats! And good prices! I got Dixie this chewie lollypop once it was sooo cute and it was only 25 cents! After that I went home. Lately my dad been nice to since Lindsey been gone and its great! After that I went to Hollywood and got Anchorman and I almost rented Wedding Date but decided to get it later! I have also been talking to my good friend Kate. I am making her a background of Carole Lombard (in my opinion one of the most beautiful women in the world). Too bad she died sooooooo young! Anyway watched some Full House and now I'm back here!

Also a hi to all my new lj friends!
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