Sunday will never be the same.....

Aug 21, 2005 17:02

Last night I watched Veritgo on TV and my dad was being a retard. He was all like this movie is stupid and I'm like why don't you pay attention then? Anyway I went to bed later that night at like 3:15. I had to get up at 7:30 I took my shower. Then we went to Alma. Anyway on the way Lindsey let me use her laptop so I watched the Thin Man which was awesome. Then we got to her room dumped everything there. My first reaction was you have to live in this small room? OMG I can't do that! Her room was like the size of my own bedroom and she has to share it! She has community bathrooms (So not me!!!) Anyway this other girl kept thinking I was staying which I thought was pretty funny. After we settled we went to Wal Mart to get more stuff. My dad broke her lamp last night so we had to buy a new one. Later on we got some food she wanted Arbys. I am sick of Arbys! I told my mom that so she got me some KFC!! Yummy! I got angry soon because she only got me some chicken strips and a biscuit! I wanted some mac & cheese and potatoes! GRRR! We went back to her room, ate. Afterwards Lindsey tired to get online but her internet wasn't working which I find funny because she now has to make friends. We finally left and my mom was crying which was akward. It was funny because when we left the first song we heard was 96 Tears and my mom was saying why do I always hear this song when I don't want to! We also heard Sunday Will Never Be the Same! We went to Mt. Pleasant and we tired to find a 7-11. We were unsuccessfull and we accidentally got back on the freeway. We went to Midland gas station I got a hot dog, sun chips, and a vanilla coke. Then we finally got home! What a trip!
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