More quizzies!

Aug 20, 2005 20:21

I just love taking these quizzies!

Bonjour Cherie! You're Jo Stockton from Funny
Face. You're intellectual and you care little
for shallow things, but once you find love you
loosen up quite a bit.

Which Audrey Hepburn Are You?
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You're Humanitarian-Audrey! You care deeply about
people, and have a passion for helping the less
fortunate. You use your fame for the good of
others. If everyone were like you, the world
would be a better place.

Which Audrey Hepburn Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Velma Kelly.

What character from Chicago are you?
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your Roxie! Your a fun-loving type girl that
everyone wants 2 be around,and ur desperate 2
steal the spotlight. You go girl!

Wat KOOL song from Chicago r u?(with pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
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