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nentari May 31 2010, 09:21:40 UTC
I like to think that Bret Vyon, the almost-companion from the early episodes of The Daleks' Masterplan played by Nicholas Courtney, is a direct descentant of the Brig - but the fact that his sister was played by Jean Marsh and that she played Morgaine in this always leads me to a joke about wondering if something happened while the cameras weren't looking that Doris should worry about. :P

I'm glad to see you've enjoyed this. Seven is love, Ace is love, the Brig is love, Bambera/Ancelyn is love, and cheesetastic Seven!era serials are all-round cracky love. :D


classicwhoblog May 31 2010, 09:40:34 UTC
Oh man, I had NO idea that Jean Marsh had played Sara Kingdom until I watched the special features on the DVD. Or that Nick Courtney played her brother (I knew he was in something pre-Brig, but could never remember what until now). Yeah, it does make you wonder, doesn't it. (then again, the universe is a big place, maybe some descendants in-between met up somewhere...)

Yes, I can tell that Seven and I are going to get along very nicely. And I'm going to be watching his stuff all this week, albeit just the final season.


nentari May 31 2010, 09:47:58 UTC
Yeah, who knows what Ancelyn was up to after this serial? One of his descendants could have met one of the Brig's descendants somewhere along the way.

There are some really good stories in his final season - Survival is particularly dear to me, and I really like the Master in it (I've read somewhere that it was in this one that Anthony Ainley was finally able to play the Master the way he always wanted).

Oh yeah, and I forgot to add my own Doctor-rating list:

One: Really like.
Three: Love.
Four: Really like.
Five: Like.
Six: Love (and am very protective of).
Seven: Love.
Eight: Love.
Nine: Love.
Ten: Like (though sometimes he makes me want to pull a Donna and slap him silly).
Eleven: Love.


classicwhoblog May 31 2010, 10:20:58 UTC
I have a funny feeling that one day I'm going to regret not picking up that Target novelization of Curse of Fenric. You just don't SEE those anymore. And I hear that that story was really good (just a few more days...). Also, can't wait to see Ainley!Master again. I've only seen him in Time-Flight so far and he seemed somewhat misplaced there. I have great confidence in Survival, though.

Don't worry, I've still got most of Six's tenure to go. I'm really looking forward to Trial of a Time Lord and The Two Doctors. Also, I MUST get a hold of some of Six's audio dramas eventually. I hear nothing but amazing things about them. I do have the song from Doctor Who and the Pirates on my iPod though, because...oh god the WIN.


nentari May 31 2010, 10:27:34 UTC
The Curse of Fenric is one of the novelizations missing from my current Doctor Who reading project. Ah well, at least I have most stories.

I'm yet to listen to Doctor Who and the Pirates, but I'm really enjoying his current audions (where he's reunited with Jamie) so far. Oh, and Six sings opera in Trial of a Time Lord! Sadly, there isn't enough of it for my liking.


classicwhoblog May 31 2010, 10:33:40 UTC
Trust me, a used bookstore in middle-of-nowhere, Ohio is one of the last places I expected to find so many Seventh Doctor novels, but apparently someone in my college town was a big McCoy fan at some point.

flkadshflkadshflkadsh I must listen to the return of Jamie, because he is one of my favorite people. At first I didn't understand why Six was the Doctor they chose to re-unite him with, but then I remembered that The Two Doctors happened. And...OPERA in Trial of a Time Lord? I MUST HEAR THIS.


nentari May 31 2010, 10:46:26 UTC
Yeah, I was surprised when I found some novelizations in a library once, since Doctor Who was never aired in Portugal until the new series appeared on cable a few years ago. The translation is inadvertedly comical, though - in order to preserve the "Scottishness" from Jamie's speech, the translator made him sound like a rockabilly fan from 1950s Lisbon.

Yeah, any of the Big Finish Doctors could have worked, I think, but with Colin Baker and Frazer Hines showing so much chemistry in The Two Doctors it was the best choice. I also like that they took a continuity error found in one of Jamie's Companion Chronicles and turned it into a plot point that will be important to the story's arch.
It's just a little bit, really - throughout Terror of the Vervoids we get comments about Six enjoying a particular piece of opera (with lyrics that fit the Sixth Doctor perfectly), and at the end of that segment of the trial we get to hear him sing it. Colin Baker has said that it was indeed his voice, which made my admiration of the man increase a


classicwhoblog May 31 2010, 17:42:20 UTC
Huh! I'm surprised a European country took so long to get it. And now I'm kicking myself for taking so long to think of checking the library. I'm almost dead-certain that they won't have the Target books, though, because those were paperback and released over 20-30 years ago. The Brooklyn Public Libraries just don't keep stuff that long.

I remember seeing a Classic comic story (the World-shapers, I think?) where Six goes back to Scotland and meets an elderly Jamie. It looked pretty heartbreaking. I wonder if that was made before or after The Two Doctors...

And speaking of Colin Baker singing: THIS. As I said before, oh god the WIN.


nentari May 31 2010, 21:11:09 UTC
Over here is the very opposite - the oldest the books, the bigger the chance to find them in a library. These particular translations were published in 1983, which is actually rather recent.

Eek, I've read The World Shapers - I think it can be found in Jamie's fan community - and I've been trying to erase it from my memory ever since, it's so devastating. I think the big reason why I started to write Doctor Who fics was to give Jamie a completely opposite future from the one presented in those comics - and I'm glad Big Finish went that way as well. But yeah, it was definitely made after The Two Doctors, as it's implied that Jamie recognizes Six as the Doctor without needing any explanation.

Oh wow, that is amazing! Very Gilbert & Sullivan. :D (And I had a really geeky reaction at the fact that Tobias Vaughn - my favourite Who villain, even more than the Master - and Mavic Chen were mentioned in the same verse, since they were both played by the same actor.)
Which reminds me - have you ever listened to Doctor in Distress? Nevermind, ( ... )


classicwhoblog May 31 2010, 21:48:34 UTC
One of the things I love about my college library is that they actually have really old books there in addition to lots of new stuff. I love glancing around the shelves and seeing something really old and looking for the date. I think the oldest I've seen was published in 1825, or something like that (I wish I could remember what the actual book was...it might've been an almanac).

I haven't actually read The Worldshapers because I found it in a comic store and was just browsing at the time, but I remember the one image that stuck in my mind is when Jamie has a breakdown after he realizes that the Doctor has finally come back and Six just hugs him and I was all ;____;

Oh Big Finish, you and your awesomeness WHICH I MUST OBTAIN. Also, what story is Tobias Vaughn from?


nentari May 31 2010, 22:00:33 UTC
Yeah, as a bibliophile (and a qualified librarian, though I never had the chance to work on the subject beyond a small internship) I really love that sort of stuff.

That moment stuck in my mind most of all and refuses to leave - and it all goes downhill from that point on, I'm afraid. :(

Vaughn is the lead baddie in Two's The Invasion. He is a manipulative, calculating bastard and has the most amazing voice and he and his henchman clearly have a thing going on.


classicwhoblog May 31 2010, 22:38:10 UTC
There seemed to be varying levels of subtext between about half the baddies and their henchmen in The Key to Time stories...

From my Ribos Operation commentary: "Awwwww. Despite his greedy jerkassery, he still loved his general. ...no seriously, he just kissed him twice before leaving his body behind."

The Pirate Planet: "I love how some Classic Who villains will yell at their right-hand men constantly and then get really sad when they die."

"Actually...this happened in Ribos Operation too...is that another trend?"

"And the Captain is still carrying Mr. Fibuli's glasses! Awww..."

The Androids of Tara: "The scientist is in love with Grendel? What's the betting that she's the right-hand-(wo)man who gets mourned by the Big Bad when s/he dies?"

"Woah. Okay. He actually kissed her."

"CALLED IT. CALLED. IT. Okay, so Grendel isn't exactly mourning over her body, but he is PISSED that she's dead."

A large part of the fun of doing these commentaries is noticing stuff like that.


nentari May 31 2010, 22:42:43 UTC
Well, the subtext in Androids of Tara is practically text, since that serial is a sci-fi remake of The Prisoner of Zenda where those two characters were explicitly lovers. :P But yeah, I can see what you mean. The Key to Time double-acts were a little less subtle than Vaughn/Packer, which exists mostly on the viewer's imagination (and the fact that Vaughn unexplainably keeps Packer alive while killing anyone who screws up even less than he does).


classicwhoblog May 31 2010, 23:00:23 UTC
*looks up "Prisoner of Zenda"* Aha! And now I know.


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