So Cedarville U. made a deal with Young's that they would sell some coupons to kids and parents for one of their summer session things. Each coupon was sold for $2 and they could get various things for them. I don't know the details of the deal but it was the reason we had so many people there on a thursday night. With so many people there, all those people got to hear the loud spray of the fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Some of the grease on the char-grill caught fire. Big flames, lots of smoke....Bad. Our fire extinguisher is CO2 so it's safe around food, but it still made a mess. For the rest of the time that I was there, all the burgers and stuff were being cooked on the flat top (which means they didn't taste as good) while Dave, Mat and Andy notified Ben and started cleaning up. Ben came in to assess the damage and find out exactly what happend. I missed the other two fires we've had there during my employment. The char-grill may have been taken out for the rest of the evening, but hey, we still had gelato.
My mom had Physical Therapy today. Her hip and back have been bothering her for at least the last year. She limps whenever she walks and I hate seeing her in so much pain. They found out that her right hip is slightly higher than her left, which, after 50 years, has made her hip torque strangely. I have to take her for more PT tomorrow. It's supposed to last about 45 mins. I'll probably take my notebook and write, or I hope to. I haven't gotten much farther, maybe a paragraph or two into the second chapter. Of course it would help if my volunteer readers *cough
working_dreamer cough* would give me some feed back on chapter 1. Mom says we need to go by about 8:30 (and I was hoping to sleep in on my day off from class) so I need to get to bed. Nite!