The future!

Nov 24, 2009 12:07

I just got back from dropping off my application to the JET Program. My way there was paved with good omens; light traffic, an unforseen toll road for which I had exact change, a white Plymouth Acclaim, and a tunnel through which I held my breath.

For the most part, my life follows a relatively predictable path, but with this, the future now has a large fork ahead. I've been told that I don't try for anything, that I don't seek anything out for myself, and just accept what's given to me. I've even been told that the only reason I'm pursuing this position now is because someone has done it before me. It's true that I take the path of least resistance often; I'm very watery for being a fire sign (or am I?), but this is something for which I burn.

Recently Aeneid X.95 played a rather focal part of my life. Hopefully it is an indicator that X.284 is what lies ahead: audentis fortuna iuvat.

job, jet, aeneid, japan, latin, fortuna

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