The Master List

Jan 20, 2030 08:48

Here we go folks. Finally got around to creating a Masterlist of all my fics, vids, analysis etc. Should make life a bit easier for anyone who stumbles across one thing and wants to go looking for the rest. Most of it is in my Memories anyhow, but here you go.


  • Around The Table (Nick/Greg, ref Sara/Grissom) A case involving two murdered lawyers leaves the team discussing hidden relationships between co-workers
  • Missing (ref Nick/Greg) When tragedy strikes, Conrad Ecklie finds himself thinking about the members of the Graveyard Shift
  • Separated (Nick/Greg, Sara/Grissom) Nick never imagined one case could take away everything. Written for the ‘Last Kiss’ challenge
  • Bounce (Nick/Greg) Frustrating to do, amusing to watch.
  • Pounced (Nick/Greg) They knew there was sexual tension, but who’s to say they couldn’t deny it?
  • Though Shalt Not Cook (Nick/Greg) Nick and Greg set out to cook their first Christmas dinner as a couple, and the lab is betting against them... Part Two
  • Battlefield (Nick/Greg, Grissom/Sara, Warrick/Tina, wishful Catherine/Warrick) Multi-Chapter, Adult Content With a serial killer on the loose and Greg’s job on the line, Nick finds himself caught up on several battlefields - professional, personal, external and internal… Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11

  • Just A Little Bit of Advice (Nick/Greg) Adult Content Nick knows he’s been neglecting Greg and tries to make up for it on the advice of Aiden and Jim…
  • Car Washes and Deck Chairs (Nick/Greg) Nick stepped out the front door and across the lawn, holding out a beer to the other before dropping into his deck chair.
  • Some Like it Hot (Tony/Jim, Jim/Sofia, ref Jim/Sofia/Heather, Tony/David H) Adult Content Tony Vartann thought his life was complicated - Jim Brass didn't think it was complicated enough
  • It Begins... (Jim/Sofia, ref Nick/Greg, Tony/Jim, Tony/David H) Just when Jim thought things weren’t complicated enough, his ex wife comes to town…

  • Not As Planned (Eric Szmanda/George Eads)  He had planned a quiet night home alone, but it just didn't turn out that way

Fullmetal Alchemist
  • Why Wouldn't You? (Gen fic) Downheartened by their run of bad luck with the ladies, Ed and Havoc ask Hawkeye why girls don’t like them.

  • What Is (Sam/Dean) This is set during season 2, episode 20 "What Is, and What Should Never Be", just after Dean returns from the fantasy/dream world. This is really a missing scene drabble more than a fic, but anyway...
  • Watching You, Wanting You (Sam/Dean) Sam couldn't be sure when he'd fallen for Dean.... Companion fic to "Seeing You, Needing You"
  • Seeing You, Needing You (Sam/Dean) Dean has always loved Sam.... Companion fic to "Watching You, Wanting You"
  • Quick Porn (Sam/Dean/Cas) Very short Wincestiel drabble.
  • Kiss While Your Lips Are Still Red (Sam/Dean) After a witch makes Dean confess his feelings for Sam, Sam shows Dean the feeling is mutual

Doctor Who
  • What is Forever? (Doctor/Jack) It's amazing how short forever is when you can't die
  • The Letter (Ten/Jack) The Doctor writes a letter to Jack to explain the real reason he left him behind on the Game Station.
  • The Christmas Tree (Ten/Jack Adult Content When Jack discovers a Christmas Tree on board the TARDIS, he quickly comes to realise its all part of the Doctor's plan...

  • There's No Way (Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Gwen) After a minor incident involving Tosh's desk, Jack sends Gwen out with her to keep her away from the Hub while the boys clean up.
  • Like the Wind (Ianto/Owen) Sometimes all you can do is run
  • Just Us (Jack/Gwen/Ianto) Adult Content Gwen Cooper really couldn't believe this was happening.
  • Changes (Gwen/Jack/Ianto/Tosh/Owen) Adult Content A night of beer and pizza turns into something more
  • It Started With A Broken Headlight (Multiple Pairings) Multi-Chapter, Multi-Author, Adult Content Ianto discovers the SUV has a broken headlight.
  • It Started With A Drunken Medic (Multiple Pairings) Multi-Chapter, Multi-Author, Adult Content Sequel to "It Started With A Broken Headlight - Owen drinks one drink too many while behind the wheel of the SUV. Chaos happens.
  • Leave You (Jack/Ianto) Multi-Chapter Part One of Breathe Trilogy After losing his two best friends during an alien attack, Ianto quits Torchwood only to end up in a train wreck
  • The Heart of Everything (Jack/Ianto) Multi-Chapter Part Two of Breathe Trilogy It's been a year since Ianto left, and the team haven't been the same.
Star Trek
  • Five Ways (Kirk/McCoy) ST XI, Challenge Response Five ways Jim tried to ask Bones to marry him but failed- and one time Bones asked Jim.
  • Dinner for Two (Kirk/McCoy) While on shore leave, Bones decides to cook.
  • Centrepiece (multiple pairings) Ray finds himself trapped in a relationship he can’t get out of.



Journal Entry Pending

Doctor Who





Torchwood - A look at the relationships between Gwen, Jack, Rhys and Ianto

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