Spring loaded

May 08, 2007 16:12

Apparently I’ve been very slack on the updating lately!

This past week I had 5 performances I guess it was… most of which went well. The worst one, unfortunately, was my masterclass solo performance. I got more nervous than I expected (I was so collected for the graduate auditions), and it ended up sounding like I had learned it in a couple weeks… not the glorious send off I had hoped for. There were some really lovely musical moments that I enjoyed, making the experience only semi-painful. I think it was educational too in that my manner and level of preparation has a lot to do with how nervous I end up feeling.

Later in the same day was my M3E concert and that went (at least for me) splendidly. My glissandi in the Roerm were not all there, but at least there was no squeaking. I played the clarinet feature movement very well (although, the rest of the group had no idea what was going on in that movement). The whole week was stressful, but it was the good kind of stress in that I was playing and performing a lot… exactly what I need to be doing all the time. It was almost too much (I had a mini freak-out on Monday, and was feeling like I should quit music), but I kept it together.

After such a stressful week, I felt like I needed repose, but that is an unfortunate impossibility. This week I’m working 3 jobs *groan.* I started at Flintstone yesterday, but I’m still working AAA a few days, then teaching Friday-Sunday. So far, it seems I will enjoy Flintstone. My mom has annoyed me surprisingly little, and I am understanding everything very quickly. There is a sufficient amount of variety that I shouldn’t be terribly bored (like I am at AAA).

Also this week, I am re-starting my diet and exercise regime. Of course, last night’s bowling, and requisite alcohol consumption, was not particularly good, but I did go to the gym in the morning and eat very healthy all day. Today I am hitting the gym after work (since I was up past 1 last night drinking, getting up at 6 was not appealing). This week I’m easing myself back into it by only doing cardio. Next week, I’ll re-start my lifting schedule.

With the almost conventional Spring weather emerging, it seems like twitterpation is on the rise. I know personally, I’ve been even more desirous than normal (I think about sex more than a 15 year old boy). Also, I’ve been receiving a lot of male attention lately. The trumpet teacher at Music & Arts, although I think he knows I have a bf, keeps asking me out to things like coffee or dancing all the time. He makes conversation with me at every possible opportunity. At bowling, I have a new fan who is always there watching me and my family bowl. He has started talking to us a lot, but I can’t remember his name for the life of me. He is usually polite and mild-mannered, but last night he asked me, “I was just wondering, what do you do to get an ass like that? Seriously, what kind of exercises do you do because you could bounce a quarter off that thing.” I laughed especially since he seemed earnest in his request to know how to achieve such sculpture, more than he intended to flirt with me. Today, he randomly showed up at Flintstone while I was there. I think he is interested in working for Mustafa since the pay would be better than what he gets now doing manual labor for Costco. He stayed for a long time, sometimes just watching me work (a little odd), with a very adoring stare. He knows I have a bf too because he asked Rick a while ago when he first saw us at bowling, but apparently that doesn’t prevent hopefulness.

I love attention, a weakness I’m acutely aware of, but I’m always nervous about hurting anyone’s feelings. For example, the trumpet guy or the bowling guy… I don’t want to be rude to them at all because I enjoy the chatting, but I don’t want them to think that my chatting is an indication of romantic interest. Men have a difficult time distinguishing between the two. I never know exactly how to handle that.

Last but certainly not least, more UA news: I found out that 2 of the other quintet positions have been filled by Eastman graduates. That makes me excited for multiple reasons 1) I’ll be in a group with good players, 2) it makes me feel good about my ability level 3) It makes people have more respect for the accomplishment. Also, it seems nearly a sure thing I’m going to get to live in that awesome house owned by the piano department. Very exciting!
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