Questions to Ponder and Statements to Get Used To

Oct 14, 2005 16:24

Starting with the statements first, if you don't like something someone posts on THEIR livejournal, go suck a lemon because you have no right to be mad that they are sharing their feelings on THEIR journal. It's not a LIE-TO-MAKE-EVERYONE-HAPPYjournal, but a LIVEjournal.

Now on to what I've been wanting to say since wednesday/yesterday.
1) Why be in marching band if you don't enjoy it?
2) Why should you be in marching band if you are being insulted by people that you are supposed to respect?
3) Why do leaders always break the rules, especially after yelling at people to obey them?
4) Why should people get fussed at for not participating in a group conversation that is not even a conversation or in a group?
5) Why should a visual done by a section be called a sectional visual, if no one in the section gets to contribute ideas?
6) Can anyone tell girls from guys in our uniforms?
7) If so, what's the point of the uniforms?
8) How are people supposed to march their dots and guide the form, especially when the guide points don't know their dots?
9) Why do some freshman thing they can boss around everyone else, upperclassmen and lower classmen alike?

That's pretty much it I guess. I mean I could go on and say how the directors should have adjusted our show early in the season instead of a month before state and how being yelled at for being imperfect in a week is totally unfair, but I'm not going to go there because this is a sparking-of-thoughts-and-feelings entry. Anywho, I would also like to point out that not all of these have happened to me. Like number two. I think I'm fairly well respected by the people that I want respect from. The other people can eat my socks if they talk trash about me for all I care. Ummm... oh and 6/7 is just to point out that a certain type of visual that the trumpets and flutes were doing could be done by the clarinets as well. Anyways, ponder away.
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