Jul 18, 2011 22:32
Hello everyone who cares about my journal~! ^_^
I haven't been on much at all, even to check my messages, because my computer hasn't been charging. The charger broke so I am currently aiming to replace it. I am using my mom's computer currently though but I can't be using it all the time since she doesn't like that.... so yea....
I started writing a little fanfic when my computer stopped charging so I have been writing it by hand and am planning to type it eventually. I was planning on releasing it on the 15th of July for the final Harry Potter movie since it's kinda like a tribute. (Only cause it involves magic though.) It's a 2min fic.
I don't know when I will post that though... This is my last real summer break. After this week I begin marching band camps that will be from 7AM-5PM one week, then an all day camp 4 days weekend, then another band camp, more band/colorguard camps after that, and school start the 16th of augest. (or the week before?)
I will do my best to post the fanfic soon but I can not promise anything at all. I make no commitment. I hope everyone is having a great summer break though. ^_^ I haven't read any fanfics like I should be doing yet... hmmm.... Sorry >_<
(I would put a 2min pic/gif here but my mom would kill me if I started saving the pics on her computer.....)
~~Clariguard <3