Did You Know...

Jan 03, 2008 21:52

...that beansprouts continue growing even in the plastic bag?
My Mom bought me a pack of 20-cent beansprouts on Sunday, and I left the bag on the kitchen counter since.
These are the mutated beansprouts I found this evening.

It's actually quite cute. These hardy guys actually extended their necks just to get that little bit more sunlight, and grew beards along the way.

The Hubby and I took leave yesterday to slack.
11.15am - Lunch at Black Angus
Verdict: Beef was very tender, but very fatty. Only 5oz and roast-beef-style thickness, not really our kind of steak.

Lunch was followed by a spot of reading at Borders, and comfort snack at Terra Cafe @Vivocity.
Yummy tom-yum with linguini

4.00pm - Caught "I Am Legend" at GV.
Verdict: No plot at all, but pretty good acting by Will Smith. 3/10

7.00pm - Eating porridge at Kopitiam foodcourt.
Verdict: Good stuff
It's funny; the older I get, the more I begin to appreciate the food that my parents have been advocating since I was a kid.
Porridge IS really cleansing for the soul (and probably the tummy), although it would have been better if the dishes were actually warm.
Mental note-to-self to start cooking porridge at home.

10,00pm - Playing Mario vs Sonic Olympics
The Hubby got me hooked on archery and shooting...it's almost becoming a daily addiction now.

With the consistent eating, playing and eating, it took us a lot of effort to get up and go work this morning.

Random note: Picture of the delightful Yam bun we had at Din Tai Fung.
Very yummy, smooth, hot and sweet yam paste. Almost like eating the real orh-nee!
Will definitely be back for more.

food, married life

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