i'm in love :-P

May 02, 2006 23:35

so, i've been keeping an eye on this season of Nashville Star (yeah, yeah, "reality tv", hyped up talent shows, etc, i know what you are saying. what can i say? it's country, and some of it is good. especially Chris Young. Oh My Goodness-gracious!!!!!!!!!!! he's CUTE. as long as he keeps his hat on. ach, i'm in love. he's tall, he's a nice guy, my age, wow. i'm being such a girl about this. :-D ok, cut me a little slack, will ya? i don't go off my rocker like this for many guys, none, in fact. (although i almost considered Aragorn worth it, but decided against it). Chris is just, like, wow. yeah. he starts singin', and he kinda looks out from underneath that hat THAT HE HAS TO WEAR (his image is ruined when he takes it off). oh man. man alive. wow. he, like, looks intensly straight at you as he is singing the phrase "i'm gonna love you forever". who wouldn't be in love with that? sorry, i'm not immune.

scared yet? fine, then. back to your regularly scheduled program of reading about the life of andrea.

the powers that be made an interesting move. we had a Greek as GM. this Greek was elected after it was declared that a runoff vote was needed to determine the GM since "they" (different? powers that be) decided that the first vote wasn't valid since there were 6 missing ballots. ok, that's nice. so now that there is the issue with the student rights, and there were new policies (for now) just aimed at Greeks, but with the potenial to be aimed at all students, "they" (the first powers that be) decided "oops! we don't want a Greek GM when we are making the Greeks pissed at us! let's declare the runoff illegal. then the GM is indebted to us because the only reason why he is GM is because we declared him so." what "they" don't know is the students are already mildly upset about what's been going on. changing the GM at this date won't do anything other than get us all caught up in trying to figure out who our leader is. the student body needs to decide which is the more important issue: the GM or Student Rights? personally, student rights trumps the GM. Carlos and Zack (and their support staff) should work together during this time to unite the students behind their co-leadership. while we all rally to defend our rights, let the J-board decide who is GM. the students need to be united right now. it doesn't matter if you are pro or anti Greek -- if you are a student, this concerns you.

what wonderful precidents have been set in these last few weeks.

rpi, boys, dumb things at rpi

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