Regardless of the state of the current debate about population in Australia, this ad effectively sums up the boneheaded crap that both sides are throwing around concerning asylum seekers.
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As I said to someone else, bring on a catastrophe and a mass migration of the "Boat Skips". Schadenfreude be my friend.
Is there any political party that seeks to SUPPORT the "boat people"?
Unfortunately there seems to be no party espousing a sensible middle ground in this country. Contrary to the two major parties' scoring of cheap political points of people's fears of high immigration, are the too left-wing Greens who advocate throwing the doors open to anyone who wants to turn up, ignoring all the problems this would create and labelling anyone who disagrees with them as a racist.
It's a complicated issue with many nuances that can't be simply summed up.
From what I can see, the Secular Party seems to have a fairly commonsense approach to immigration - though of course it's very easy for them to make policies such as these when they won't be taking power any time soon.
I think the fact that population is being discussed at all is a step in the right direction, and as people become more educated about the realities of the situation (such as the numbers of "boat people" against what The Chaser brilliantly described as "womb people") the more the debate will mature. Did you see Dick Smith's doco on population last week on the ABC, and too a lesser extend the Q&A panel afterwards? We need more Dick Smiths and less Alan Joneses talking about issues such as these ( ... )
On the racism question, I do believe that when it comes to the asylum seeker issue, many people are seeing it in terms of "darkies swamping our shores" rather than "people swamping our shores". I have a feeling that if these boats were filled with Zimbabwean farmers escaping Mugabe's regime, people would be much more tolerant. And it does pain me to say this. All the talk about "the queue" and "population increasing" is a smokescreen - I really do believe the majority of people don't like the idea of a bunch of non-Anglos coming to Australia, ( ... )
Call me out if you think it requires it, mate, seriously. I would do the same in anyone's journal (and have). I agree that the Zimbabwean example wasn't the best one. I have in the past had infuriating conversations with people about "queue jumpers" and the like (one when we were on our honeymoon - the tour operator holed me up in a corner, asked me where I was from, and then proceeded to regale me with his educated "opinion" on "queue jumpers" and "pull factors" and it took all I had not to punch him...), and people like Steve Fielding opening hi9s mouth and infecting everyone with stupid when it comes to this issue (actually, any issue, really...). It really does befuddle me as to why everyone latches onto boat people as part of the "expanding population" problem when it's patently not the case that their current arrival levels are what's causing our population woes. Probably because it's an easy ( ... )
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