(no subject)

Sep 30, 2007 14:29

[FIC]Weeday Mornings
Title: Weekday Mornings
Characters: Lantis, Zagato
Rating: G
Summary: It's tough getting ready for work with a kindergarden age brother.
Notes: This is done under the assumption that Zagato has Lantis living with him.

Zagato had a secret plan in mind to go back in time and kill the person who invented alarm clocks. They were such a horrible invention. With an angry mutter he fumbled around with his hand and turned off his tormentor and rolled out of bed.

It was currently 6 A.M., which left him roughly an hour and a half to get both himself and his little brother ready. Lantis didn't wake up till 7:00, so that gave him an hour to preen.

With a groan he managed to stand up and stretch, grabbing his towels and heading for the bathroom. He striped off his boxers and slid behind the curtian and under the warm spray of the water, performing his ritual shower routine (hey, he had to keep his hair looking perfect somehow, right).

"Big brother is naked!"

Zagato started, nearly slipping, and looked down at the innocent face of his little brother, who was peeking up at him from behind the saftey of the shower curtain. "Yes, Lantis, this is what happens when people shower," Zagato said, turning himself slightly so as to assume some semblance of modesty before his little brother. "Now, why don't you go back to your room and pick out what you want to wear while I finish showering?"

Lantis stared gravely at Zagato for a moment, but finally nodded his head and left the bathroom. Well, now that he was up, that left Zagato even less time to get ready. He hurried through the rest of his routine and came out in the next time minutes dressed in his slacks, shirt, and tie, his hair wrapped in his towel like a turban.

"Lantis?" he called as he walked to his brother's room.

"Ready," Lantis declared, popping out of the room...dressed in no less than seven articles of clothing that had absolutley nothing in common with each other other than the fact they were part of several of Lantis' favorite outfits.

Sighing, Zagato ushered him back in and redid the entire mess, working Lantis in better combination fit for light autumn weather. That done, Zagato helped Lantis gather together his little 'Magic Knight Rayearth' backpack and headed out to the kitchen.

"Lucky Charms!" Lantis demanded, pointing at the box of said cereal when Zagato opened the pantry.

Ha, that trick didn't work anymore. Lucky Charms were for weekends only, as he had found giving any child under the age of six any amount of sugar before noon leaded to disatrous results. Instead, he made them both bowls of Cheerios. Unfortunatley, Lantis was the equivalent of a vacuum cleaner and was done within the space of a minute and a half. Well, what now?

"I wanna brush your hair," Lantis declared, propelling down from his chair and dragging a stool over behind Zagato and standing on it. "I wanna brush your hair!" he declared again when Zagato didn't immediatley comply.

Zagato sighed and unwound his hair from the towel and handed Lantis a brush. The child was actually very careful, having watched his brother tend to the matter enough times. It was a sort of amusing picture, actually: Zagato sitting there, eating his Cheeriors, and Lantis running a brush through his brother's raven locks. It felt really good actually. Made Zagato drowsy...

"Are you supposed to eat cereal like that?" Lantis asked.

Zagato gave a second start and felt a wetness on his nose. Milk. Damn it. He glared at the offending bowl and then up at the clock and nearly fell off his chair. 7:15! He scrambled to the couch (in a dignified way of course), and put on his shoes, trotted to the mirror and tied his hair back in a neat tail, than grabbed Lantis around the waist and hauled him up under his arm like a grocery sack, backpack and all.

Luckily, they lived close to the school, so his mad dash paid off and he was there on time (not a hair out of place, of course). It was a simple matter after that to sign in and drop Lantis off.

"Running late?" Clef teased when he got a look at Zagato, always able to tell the tell-tale signs of a late morning for him.

Zagato glared at his former mentor. "Not a bit," he replied cooly. "Good luck."

Clef rolled his eyes. "Of all people, that belongs to you," he said.

Zagato ignored him and made his way to his classroom. "Morning," he said as he walked in just as the bell rang.

"Yuuko! That's not yours, give it back!"

A wicked giggle and the sounds of a mad scramble and a distressed Yukito. Zagato sighed.

It was a weekday morning.

ficlet, character: zagato, character: lantis, author: rubyautumn

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