{Fic} Alcyone's letter

Sep 26, 2007 22:54

Title: Alcyone’s Letter
Characters: Alcyone, Zagato/Emeraude, Kusanagi, Karen, Sorata, Nakuru (Clow, Yuuko)
Rating: G
Summary: Kusanagi is the only teacher so far to survive Yuuko and Clow. So what happened to some of the other ones?
Notes: I left a fic snippet in a comment here and then 
allira_dream went and gave me even more ideas.

The first time Alcyone met Zagato was in their “Math for Liberal Arts Majors” class. When she learned he was in the teacher’s program, the first thing she did was march down to the registrar’s office and change her major. After graduation she had even managed to get a job teaching at the same school as her dear Zagato. It would have been her dream come true if it hadn’t been for those two hellspawn; Yuuko and Clow, the bane of her fourth grade class. Granted, teaching snot-nosed brats was hardly a glamorous career, but it was worth it to be near her darling Zagato. And if she hadn’t been forced to flee the school because of those two pint-sized demons, Zagato would never have been lured in by the wiles of that Emeraude either, Alcyone was quite sure of it. So it was all Yuuko and Clow’s fault that she could only be with her beloved Zagato through letters. And, unfortunately, while Zagato was wonderful, and handsome, and stoic and strong and many other adjectives, he wasn’t much of a letter writer.


Kusanagi entered the staff room to see most of the staff gathered around a rather bemused looking Zagato who was reading a pink, rose scented letter bedecked with dark red kisses. “Another letter from Alcyone?” He was one of the few who remembered the previous fourth grade teacher, though all of the staff knew her story. It was, after all, one of the more dramatic Clow-Yuuko-induced mental breakdowns.

Zagato nodded faintly, still looking at the letter as if he wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. Karen was hanging over his shoulder, trying to read it. She had an overwhelming curiosity whenever her predecessor was concerned.

“So, what’s she up to now?” Kusanagi came around to peer at the letter from Zagato’s other side. He wore the fact that he was the only teacher to survive the twin terrors the way a combat veteran wore his medals. He also took a certain morbid delight in hearing about the ones-who-didn’t-make-it.

Zagato looked up, only now seeming to realize the audience his mail had attracted. “Apparently she is now working as an assistant on one of those extreme wildlife shows.”

Kusanagi blinked. “You mean the kind where they have a scantly dressed woman pose with venomous snakes and such while some wildlife expert talks about how deadly the animal is?”

Sorata chimed in, “Yep, that’s it exactly. Alcyone also says that this job is so much safer and less stressful then teaching.” There was a bit of incredulity in his tone, beneath his near constant laughter.

“She also goes on and on about her darling Zagato.” Karen smiled lasciviously and poked Zagato’s shoulder. He groaned and buried his head in his arms.

As one all eyes turned to Zagato’s girlfriend. Emeraude smiled the serene smile of one who knows she has absolutely nothing to be worried about.

Before anyone could continue teasing Zagato there was a knock on the staffroom door. “Excuse me, Sensei!” Nakuru popped into the staff room. “I just thought you’d like to know that Yuuko-san and Clow-san have turned themselves blue. And then that cute, little Yuui-chan saw them and said that his favorite color was blue, and then Kurogane-chan said that red was a much better color. So Yuuko-san said that they would take requests for a price, and then-” But Clef was already pushing past and out the door, a look of sheer horror on his face as he contemplated the twin terrors loose in the kindergarten room. Zagato was right behind him, his face set like a man resigned to his fate.

Emeraude stood up with a gentle smile, “I should go see if I can help.” She walked calmly to the door and smiled down at Nakuru. “Thank you for informing us.”

Nakuru looked up at Emeraude and beamed, feeling a little floaty inside. A smile from Emeraude was definitely worth ratting out Clow and Yuuko.       

character: emeraude, character: sorata, character: nakuru, ficlet, author: ldydragon7, pairing: zagato/emeraude, character: yuuko, character: kusanagi, character: zagato, character: clow, character: karen, character: alcyone

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