(no subject)

Sep 26, 2007 16:19

Title: Butterfly Cafe
Characters: Shizuka, Clow, Yuuko, and Watanuki
Rating: Erm...I guess Fluffy-squee?
Summary: It's bad for Watanuki when big sister Yuuko gets put in charge of the 6th grade festival cafe.
Notes: This is my first time posting a ficlet, so be nice to me, ne? I hope it makes people happy. I tried to keep it short to. Hey, first time, i get a break, ne? Enjoy! :D

"Eee! Did you see the kitty? He was so adorable!"

Clow Reed had to suppress a chuckle as he seated the next pair to enter the sixth grade festival cafe, dubbed Butterfly Cafe since Yuuko was in charge. And, no, they were not talking about a real, live kitten. That was against health code standards, and Yuuko's mind didn't work that way.

They spoke of Watanuki.

Clow Reed still wasn't sure how Yuuko had managed to get Watanuki out of his own fourth grade booth, but she had done it (more than likely by using Eagle and the equivalent yakuza, and by dangling Himawari before the boy), and now was using the boy as a ploy to draw in customers. Sad part was it was working.

"Hey, kitten, can you bring me some more tea?" an older girl called, probably one of the older sisters of another classmate.

"Right away, Miss!" Clow Reed watched in fascination as Watanuki hurried to do as he was bid, kitty ears twitching, kitty tail swaying back and forth with his hips, and little kitty bell ringing merrily. Add it on top of an adorable formal vest, shirt, and pants and Watanuki was just short of causing a nosebleed in most females and some males. Oh, that poor, poor boy.

There was a cough and Clow turned around sharply to take care of the customer. "Oh, Doumeki," he smiled at the rather tall fourth grader (he was still shorter than Clow, but he was tall for his age).

"Table for one," Doumeki said with his usual expressionless face.

"Naturally," Clow said with a bow as he lead Doumeki into the cafe and seated him in the back.

Luckily, the crowd was begining to thin, so that meant less people, and it gave Clow more time to observe the way those two interacted. Yuuko always spoke of their antics, and he wanted to witness it first hand.

He was not disappointed. Watanuki barely managed to serve Doumeki without having a seizure, yelling and pointing, which in the end only made him more adorable. Doumeki, for his part, carried on in his usual uncaring way, though if Clow wasn't mistakenm, Doumeki's eyes followed Watanuki back to the kitchen more than was necessary. Oh well.

"Clow-san! Clow-san!" Yuuko giggled, hurrying up to him, drawing his attention away from the new one-sided fight Watanuki had started with Doumeki. He blinked as she threw a small packet onto his podium and winked. "For Doumeki-kun, when he leaves," she giggled behind her hand trotted off to tend to more customers.

He knew it was wrong, but he was curious. Clow opened up the envelope and fought back another laugh. Inside were photos, all of Watanuki, and all at angels of him in that kitty get-up that made him nosebleed worthy. He slipped them back in and helped another couple that came along.

"Thanks for the meal," Doumeki said about fifteen minutes later, handing Clow the money to pay for his drink and snack.

"Of course," Clow bowed back as he handed Doumeki his change and the envelope.

Doumeki took the enveloped after only a fraction of a pause, and Clow watched him carefully as he began to open it and walk away. This time, Clow really did laugh when he saw Doumeki's reaction to the pictures. In point of fact, he stopped in his tracks, and his cheeks went an interesting shade of pink. He put them back and tucked them in his uniform's pocket and hurried on.

"What's so funny?" Watanuki asked, all huffy from his Doumeki encounter.

"Oh, nothing, Watanuki-kun, nothing," Clow smiled, letting the boy go to tend some customers. He would have to stick around Yuuko more. He wanted to see where this little match-maker's game went.

character: yuuko, character: doumeki shizuka, character: watanuki kimihiro, ficlet, character: clow, author: rubyautumn

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