(no subject)

Sep 21, 2007 23:15

Title: Meeting the In-Laws
Characters: Hideki/Elda, Yuui, Kurogane
Rating: CUTE
Summary: Elda understands about soul mates.
Notes: DAMN. LIKE. MISSED MY DEADLINE BY A MINUTE, D: This is a rushed version of the fic that I've been wanting to write for a while XD; Enjoy!

The school was having a family picnic, and that was where Yuui's parents first met their future son in law. That was the story according to Elda, at least, though Hideki staunchly claimed that, being as the children were still in kindergarten, it was sort of hard to tell for certain.

"No," Elda said simply, hugging her husband's arm gently as she watched their children run around amongst the others. It was so good to see them so sociable, and with friends. Their family members hadn't always had the best track record with relationships, sadly enough.

"Chi," Hideki said with an expression on his face like he wasn't sure if he needed to explain the rampant trauma of male hormones and fickleness to his wife or not. But Elda just looked up at him, and shook her head, so he sighed, and gave up. Instead he leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss.

"AWW," they heard one of their sons squeal. "TOU-CHAN KAA-CHAN ARE BEING CUUUUUTE MAKE IT STOOOOOP."

Hideki pulled away, blushing. "Yuui-chan," he said sheepishly.

Elda turned to look at her son, with the bright smiles and none of the awkwardness that had haunted she and her sister when they were little; the difference that even showed in Fai-chan at times. She smiled at him, loving him more than should have been possible - him and Fai, her sons.

"Hello, Yuui-chan!" she chirped, and waved.

"HI HI KAA-CHAN," Yuui said, too excited for his own good. He presented the sullen, embarrassed boy at his side, who looked faintly traumatized every time he looked to the side and caught the edge of Yuui's blinding smile. "THIS. IS. KURO-CHII. SAY HI KURO-CHI."

"Have you had sugar?" his father asked instead of saying hi, though Elda automatically let go of Hideki's arm so that she could kneel and say, "Hello, Yuui's Kuro-chi, it's very nice to meet you! I expect I'll be seeing a lot of you in the future~"

"Erk." the dark haired boy said. Which made Hideki give him a commiserating, ruefully amused look in term.


Yuui, still with his grip on his friend's arm, dashed off, dragging the stockier boy behind him. "I should mention that it's a criminal offense to give that boy sugar, shouldn't I?"

Elda giggled, and stood back up, taking up her husband's arm once more. "See?" she said. "When do you think they'll get married?"

"Sigh," Hideki said. "Just because-"

"He called him -chi," Elda said gleefully. Hideki opened his mouth to protest, but then stopped, and apparently changed his plan of attack.

"It doesn't mean he'll stay with him."

But even Hideki sounded weak. Elda just smiled beautifully, and patted his arm, content. Chi was Hideki's nick name for her, the nick name he used to express how much he loved her, that she was his special person, the person just for him. That Yuui was using that nick name for this child...well.

And even if Hideki wasn't certain, Elda was. She understood, and her sister would understand.

character: hideki, character: elda, ficlet, character: yuui, author: reversedhymnal

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