Results: Week 420 (Rumble Round 2)

May 19, 2014 21:53

Thanks to those members that took the time to vote, but I'd love to see more participation in this area going forward ^^' Anyway, we have this rounds winner to announce now though, here's a reminder of the final points that were awarded:

For every vote your icon received

If your icon won People's Choice; there are no other placements due to the amount of participants



RUNNER-UPS (view the icons)
02, 03

CURRENT RANKING ORDER ( points allocation)

25 points

23 points

20 points

17 points

If you would like to have your comments/critiques, please leave a screened comment here specifically asking for them: screened or unscreened and I will reply as you have requested (probably not until tomorrow evening though); make sure to have your email notification turned on if you asked for screened.

Banners for placing icons will be made and presented along with the final winner/participation banners, at the end of the rumble. Providing me with any fonts or textures/brushes/etc. used will only make my job easier ^^'

If you are a member of tcg_exchange then don't forget to claim your cards over here for participating this week! More information is provided in that post.

Round 3 is now up, so participants check it out and get icon-making!


week 420, results

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