All 4 participants got their icons in on time again this week! Now for the difficult, but important part, of choosing one from among them...
Please vote for your one favourite icon. There will only be one winner selected each round, as well as one overall winner (based on ranking) announced at the end of the rumble. Participants are encouraged to vote, though they cannot vote for themselves, and will be awarded additional points for doing so:
To vote leave a screened comment to this post with the number of your 'first' choice icon that you feel is best overall. Please include your alias if you are also a participant. Here is an example of the proper voting format:
Alias: (if applicable)
First: 45
Or like this:
Aside from the above, also leave comments and/or critiquest for all icons submitted (except your own), they will be provided to the participants later if asked for. Please keep your comments polite and any critique constructive, rude statements will not be tolerated. Also try to be specific, overly general statements are often confusing or lack-lustered. Example: "Wonderful cropping and colouring job! The image is too blurry though and could use a bit more sharpening." VS "That is one ugly icon!"
Don't forget to read and follow the rules:
Voting Rules
- You must be a member to vote, one ballot per member (excludes multiple accounts)
- You must vote for a total of oneicons (no more, no less) or your vote will be discarded
- Vote for the best/most appropriate icons overall, not your favourite series/character/etc.
'Do Not's'
- Do not vote for your own icon or feel obligated to vote for your friend's/secret santa's icon
- Don't vote for an icon more than once... I'm not sure why you would, but just in case
- Don't vote for the icon marked non-entry, it is not competing or included on the ballot
- Do not reveal your entry until voting is closed or pressure people to vote for you
- Do not take/use your gift icon until after results are posted/makers are revealed
- Do not create multiple fake accounts to cheat, I check IP adresses and account status
If you accidently vote for the wrong number of icons, vote for the same icon twice or vote for a non-existant entry then I will reply to your comment asap and give you a chance to revote. Otherwise if you break one of the rules chances are your vote will be discarded and/or, depending on the offence, your icon may face disqualification. It is at my discretion to discard suspicious votes.
- 01 -
original image - 02 -
original images - 03 -
original image - 04 -
original image 01. Frame Texture by
vikyvampirs90. Bonus Themes: vibrant colouring & kimono/yukata. (Rolo from Code Geass. Additional stok photo by
02. Frame Stock Vector by
katydeviantart. Bonus Themes: vibrant colouring & kimono/yukata. (Yuuko from xxxHolic. Additional textures by
discolmeonaaade &
03. Frame Texture by
chantiigg. Bonus Themes: vintage colouring & kimono/yukata. (Kohane & Watanuki from xxxHolic. Additional texture by
04. Frame Stock Photo found through an old Google search. Bonus Theme: vibrant colouring & kimono/yukata. (Tomoyo from Tsubusa Reservoir Chronicle)
Voting will close Sunday May 18th at 11:00 PM Eastern. A comment will be left when voting is officially closed, no late votes will be accepted at that time unless an official extension is announced. Once voting is closed, you are free to publically display/distribute your entry as it will have no impact on the results. Winners will be posted sometime after depending on my schedule.
Round 3 is now up, so participants check it out and get icon-making!