One Crazy Ass Morning

Sep 08, 2005 12:33

Was swimming the other morning when i was struck by the sudden urge to be naked. Looking around to find no one in sight, i swam a couple of laps in the nude.
Have never done this before. Felt invigorating and damn sexy. After suddenly realizing that this was A) A public place where anyone could see me and B) An old folks retirement community who would probably be more offended than most, i donned my bathing suit once more.
Safely and appropriately clad, i was taking a moment to lay in the sun and bask in my bad-ass adventure when my mom came up to the gate saying, "DId you realize an old man was standing behind the bushes staring at you? I had to shoo him away." FUCK NOOOOOOO i didn't!!!
Was momentarily offended. How DARE he stare at me?! Yet i had to reconcile myself to the fact that if one bares oneself, let it be with the understanding that they might be seen. That is the lesson i want you to take home with you. my mom assured me i probably gave him the biggest jolly of his retired life. she has no idea. I'm just grateful he didn't have an aneurism.
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