02 [Action]

Dec 02, 2011 19:48

[Action - 460 Stone Street and outside]

[Tsubaki awakes in an instant, and it takes all her self-control not to scream. For one brief, horrible moment she believes she's still in the middle of the wrecked street with Yuno, struggling helplessly as her "sister" hacked away at her with an axe. But then that phantom pain is gone, and she's able to ( Read more... )

*action, rider (medusa), minene uryuu

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inkstardust December 4 2011, 18:14:58 UTC
[La La La just Walking By.


She'll just walk over a little tentatively.]

Are you alright?


clairvoyantbird December 4 2011, 18:35:44 UTC
Yes, I'm fine... [She rubs her knee. It stings a little, but it's not bleeding at least.] I just couldn't see where I was going, that's all.


inkstardust December 6 2011, 02:22:28 UTC
Is your eyesight not up to standard? [Combined with how the girl squinted to make our her face the first time she met, it was a sneaking suspicion.]


clairvoyantbird December 6 2011, 05:18:39 UTC
It's not. [She's looking at Rider, but there's a certain... mistiness to her eyes.] It's not too bad, up until an arm's length away.

[She holds her arm up, palm facing out and fingers spread, for emphasis.] Everything after that progressively gets worse. For example, I can make out your general shape... your long purple hair... but I can't make out the details of your clothes. The house across the street, on the other hand, is nothing but a blob of color.


inkstardust December 7 2011, 03:12:37 UTC
[She takes a few steps closet.]

Ah, I'm sorry. [A single sentence might not seem much, but to a person like her...she wouldn't mind having nearsightedness if it meant people didn't freeze into stone whenever she looked at them sans glasses.]


clairvoyantbird December 7 2011, 05:49:14 UTC
Don't be. My sight has been like this since I was born, so it's far from a sensitive subject by now.


wow late. inkstardust December 16 2011, 00:43:52 UTC
If you say so...

You never had glasses? [She adjusts her own.]


better late than never! clairvoyantbird December 16 2011, 06:04:06 UTC
No. I had enough help moving around most of my life [until she was locked away] and I was able to read with the aid of a magnifying glass. I didn't need it to write... but looking back on it, perhaps it would have been better if I had gotten a pair.

[But that would involve leaving the temple, and that was the one thing she avoided doing, for so long...]


<3 all dem kiyuutags inkstardust December 17 2011, 04:46:27 UTC
[She thinks for a moment.] Perhaps you could manage to get a pair within this town? It's not unreasonable.


clairvoyantbird December 17 2011, 05:17:16 UTC
True... but since I don't have the money to do so, I'd have to... go home and ask my "parents". [She scowls. It wasn't the parents bit she seemed worried about... just the going home bit. She had no intention of ever returning to that house.] I suppose it's unavoidable, though....


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