Oct 18, 2007 08:53
This whole thing with Ellen DeGenres and the dog is so unbelievable.
I get it, she violated the contract. Blah, blah, blah.
But she gave the dog to someone who was going to take care of it and give it a good home.
There are SO MANY animals that are in bad situations right now. Animals being abused or neglected. Not being cared for. Animals stacked up in shelters because there are too many of them, and they don't have homes at all.
But the "rescue shelter" is making a big fricking STINK over the fact that THEY didn't get to pick who the dog went to.
This has nothing to do with animal welfare. It's politics, plain and simple.
The shelter owner is now saying she's had to stay home and keep her business closed because people are so angry with her. Maybe she should have looked into the situation and found out what kind of home the dog was in, seen the relationship the hairdresser's kid had with this dog. Maybe she should have used some common sense and compassion rather than having a knee-jerk control reaction.
She knew it would end up in the media because it was Ellen Degenres. She even threatened Ellen with that fact. So now it's backfiring. Good.
I'd like to know about some of the other shelters in that city. Who is this person that she can be so choosy? In my city, we have too many animals, and the shelters are constantly full. I've heard it's very bad in some places. Does Los Angeles have so few animals without homes, that they can afford to be so political in what home an animal gets? I doubt it. They should have done some investigating, found out it was a decent home, and been thankful another homeless animal was no longer homeless. Other dogs should be so lucky.