Jun 26, 2005 20:51
this week is going to be good, i know it. i'm off to see coldplay in concert tomorrow, which i am extremely excited about, as i'm sure you could probably all guess. as if that wasn't enough, and it would be enough for me, as i *heart* chris, jonny, guy and will muchly, i also won 2 tickets to Live 8 in Hyde Park!!!!!!! This saturday, a day after i return from uni, i'l be seeing some of the greatest artists in the world and all it cost me was the price of a stamp, which is so incredible, i'm actually speechless, which doesn't happen very often! also it means i can take part in an extremely important event, which i'm so pleased about because i knew i wasn't going to be able to make it to edinburgh to protest, so this makes up for it a huge amount.
so coldplay live, twice in one week, plus my final week of my first year of university, pretty eventful!