Dec 21, 2004 11:27
Ok so people, my last entry was'nt that bad I guess...but blah. Im so bored, there is NOTHING to do out here.Shit.Crap.Poo.Frick.
Today at 9:30 in the morning I was woken up by 1st, Joey, then Connor, followed by Nicole and then Dad screaming at me. Why you ask? Well OF COURSE, because Dad wanted to take out for a tobogganing trip! Ah, I HATE TOBOGANNING!!! Dont get me wrong, it can be fun, if for example, you're with your friends, and it is actually fun, but with Dad and the family, its just wrong. But thank goodness, before I had actually managed to get out of bed, Dad tells me that the mountain was closed for lack of snow! yay! mwahahahaahahhaha. I hope it snows this year, it never does anymore, stupid global warming...:P
But yeah, Jessie and Nicole have friends over, blah, im sorry, but I hate their friends so much! Theyre so annoying. Like Jessie has this friend that lives in Richmond named Tess, and I have ALWAYS hated her! Haha, but shes a little stuck-up-rich-ass-model-who-was-in-the-santa-clause-2-bitch-person. I hate them!
OMFG PEOPLE! CHRISTMAS IS IN 4 DAYS! AND IM SO PROUD, IM DONE ALL OF MY SHOPPING! AND IM AL LITTLE OVER BUDGET, BUT SKREW THAT! TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY! lol, ok, ebough with the caps lock now. Ella, you're gonna <3 your present. And I had sure-as-hell better love mine! Haha, im just kidding.
Skrew this, I hate boredom, im off. BYEEEEEEEEEEE!
<3 Claire