Dec 20, 2004 22:29
so apparently everybody went and saw Oceans 12 today, but of course, I could not go, seeing as im in Chilliwack. Poo. But I had a fun day anyways (I guess) as i said below.I HATE missing stuff bacause im freiking HERE!!!! I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT! GO DIEEE! haha,Ella and me were having a battle of 'the Simpsons' today on msn. Ella was singing Jessica Simpsons, With You, And I was singing Ashlee Simpsons Lala and Shadow. Yay, good times. Ah im so bored, as I have been for the past like, 3 days! i was having remote fun watching the Swan fibale pageant thingy earlier, but all things do have to come to an end. Poo. But the girl I liked won! Mwahahahahhaha.
Oh my gosh you guys, I miss you all so much already. You have no IDEA how hard it is being so far away. It truly sucks. It wouldnt be so bad if Dad lived closer, but out here im not allowed to see anyone at all! It sucks so much! Im so alone :'( I wish people would CALL MEH!!! poo.
Dad got mad at me yesterday and told me that I dont have to come anymore if I dont want to, but I dont know, I wanna have a 'good relationship' with him, but it's hard. Its hard to understand, but yeah. I miss you people, I want to see you all so badly! everyone!!!!!!!! MAAO! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Ok, so i'll fill you in on all of the Chilliwack gossip and problems and the stuff that people are talking about...
-Chris (the neighbor, who is the same age as me) was suspended from Mount Selesse Middle School for setting fire to the hair of fellow student Bailey (a.k.a Pork Chop, by me and my sis). He is also being grounded for that at his home, so it is now impossible for my good, innocent brother, to play with him.
-Last night, Connor, Brian (other neighboor) and Chris (above) were spotted playing nicky nicky nine doors on our street. So much for being grounded...bad boys.
-Jessica, was seen walking around the 3 blocks that is our cul-de-sac, with another very haught girl in a new black coat, since her mother stole back the white one, I wonder who she is...? At 10 o'clock at night, to look at Christmas lights. (the neighboors Homer Simpson blow up is awesome!)
- A wholesome, yummy, deliscious shipment of Dairy Queen ice cream arrived at the residence of 46426 Chester Dr. at approximately 9:30, hmmm, yummy goodies!
-Claire, was seen finishing up all of her Christmas shopping at Cottonwood mall this afternoon, a few chocolates in a London Drugs bag were seen
-The girl in the black coat was once again seen shopping with Jessica this afternoon, going crazy on Curious Samples...
ok wel haha, that was fun, byyyeeee!
<3 Claire