OK, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to be in these two episodes. I mean all of us should have been...maybe filing in the background...sitting in the conference room, something. I think the whole thing was an appropriate ending to the show. Those things being said, here's some detail:
Shirley and Carl getting married: Despite the adorable proposal that happened during Thanksgiving dinner, I think it all happened too fast. Last season, they broke up! Sure they both needed some resolution, but this seemed kind of rushed, maybe they made up during the hiatus.
Jerry and Katie: Their whole thing was adorable. I still resent the fact that Katie got a bigger case her first time out than I did the entire season I was on, but I guess I'll just have to let some things go. I am glad Jerry found someone that makes him happy. He deserves it.
The Chinese buy out and Lewiston being put in charge of litigation: Personally, I thought he was in charge of litigation years ago, he certainly acted like he was. Maybe I should buy a paintball gun. Denny and I could be on the same team. Then maybe I could stop living in fear of a pink slip.
Finally finding out where the balcony was located: Anybody else notice there are no balconies visible from the exterior, on the 14th floor of 500 Boylston Street? It was like it only existed in Denny's office.
Alan and his future as a legal aid attorney: If you need an extra lawyer, you have my number.
Alan and Denny: Husband and
Husband, mad cow, Denny Crane: I couldn't think of a more perfect resolution for Alan and Denny. They really do....belong together.
Muse: Claire Simms
Fandom: Boston Legal
Word Count: 291