Title::..The Darkest Shadows Rating::..M for strong adult themes and coarse language Spoilers::..Par Avion Genre::..Horror Characters::..Claire Littleton and Barnabas Collins (movie: Dark Shadows) Summary::..Claire attends a Friday the 13th party and soon realizes her life will never be the same again after it.
Title::..Echoes Spoilers::..The End Rating::..G Genre::..Angst Characters::..Claire and Aaron Summary::..After leaving the island Claire finds a unique way of keeping Charlie in her mind.
Title::..Bandaids for Bulletwounds Spoilers::..Hearts and Minds Rating::..M for a sex scene and coarse language Genre::..Drama Characters::..Claire Littleton and Shannon Rutherford Pairing::..Shaire Summary::..Claire needed a new roommate; Shannon needed a place to crash.
Title::..Suitcase of Memories Spoilers::..The End Rating::..G Genre::..Fluff Characters::..Jin, Claire, Aaron, Kate and Charlie Pairing::..Mild CC and Jun Summary::..Jin had been very intimidated to approach Claire the first time he saw her read it here
Title::..A Familiar Song Spoilers::..The End Rating::..G Genre::..Fluff Characters::..Charlie, Claire, Aaron and Liam Pairing::..CC Summary::..Claire discovers Drive Shaft and becomes addicted to playing one song repeatedly. read it here
Title::..An Unexpected Arrival Spoilers::..What They Died For Rating::..PG Genre::..Cross-over Characters::..Claire Littleton, Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner Summary::..Claire thinks she will spend the rest of her life alone on the island…until The Black Pearl washes ashore.