Oct 24, 2023 16:12

I was thinking earlier a Bleach work, but I don't know anything from that fandom.
I just remember my friend liked to draw characters from it. (ETA: Reading the plot summary of it, I basically was forced to clap politely for it by my friends in high school.)
Whenever I'm ready to make it, here is the wordcounter for it.

Or should I just finish a book?
I AM reading about Cao Cao, so it DOES seem like I'm tripping my way back down the path to an East Asian type thing with my cat Tilly. (I read about him when I was studying with Chien laoshi a couple of semesters ago)

Ahahaha. I might conduct such study from a safe distance. It's not that you might get scabies and I think they've developed some pretty potent COVID-19 vaccines over the years but I think maybe something else.

Ooh, today's featured Wiki article is about a species of animal they made me research when I was younger - the South Asian river dolphin!

I think that it would be a good idea to write my story about the data deficient stingrays of the world.
Wikipedia says they are related to sharks! :D Victoria absolutely ADORES shark week. Meanwhile, I prefer eels. They taste good.
I remember picking that kind of meat out at the supermarket.

I mean, there are fewer and fewer of them. But there is less and less sign of me, too, as time goes on.

I think when animals (of any sort) are set aside to be eaten later, then they logically are protected.

I may just want to disappear to sleep.

meditation, maturity, word count watching, manga, logic, reading, sleep, endangered animals, research, writing

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