Stuff needing to be done for next week!

Nov 09, 2013 15:17

I have mostly eked out the Chinese weather PowerPoint to present Monday afternoon - I need to send it to the Professor tomorrow. The main problem with that is that I am not a huge afternoon person, nevermind the time-stamp of this entry.

Currently, I am enjoying the looseleaf Earl Grey lavender tea I picked up at the store this morning~! ♥ From my partially-melted Hello Kitty mug. I microwaved a non-microwave-safe container until it melted. I still love Hello Kitty, but it is now a strange heart-shaped blob.

What's useful about the PowerPoint is that the professor okayed .cn websites for citation! Besides I told him I wasn't sure what to cite for incidents of my trip. Maybe my blog? But that resource doesn't really hold up to the reliability tests of the historians, I don't think.

So by tomorrow I'll have a Chinese PowerPoint, then next to my laptop I have a 6-book pile on top of my Chinese History notebook, which is on top of the Arts & Leisure section of two weeks ago's NYT. The books are Rae Yang's Spider Eaters memoir, Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism, Chris Hedges' War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, Anne Applebaum's Gulag: A History, Glennys Young's Communist Experience in the Twentieth Century, and Fairbank's China: A New History [my Modern China textbook].

In front of that pile, I have a pen, then a pile which from top to bottom is my War Philosophy notebook, my backup Comparative Politics notebook (which has also been my Russian Culture and Macroeconomics notebook), my folder which has been Chinese History and is now Communist History stuff, the Kassimeris I am returning on Wednesday, then my four War textbooks, then my two International Relations textbooks.

Then on the other side I have my teacup of not-very-much-more lavender Earl Grey *treks over to get more* and my Communism notebook, which I know is the Communism notebook since I put a leaf sticker on its front. (Communists are like leaves, I suppose was my mien of thought) It's open to a page in which I basically note-took from the Totalitarianism book about Anti-Semitism.

So, for Monday I have my PowerPoint pending - 5 blank slides and a reference slide. Dr Hilliker told me that what he was interested in was not so much the flight as - oh, I have to get that notebook too - OK, I have that on top of the war stuff... smog and the air quality index! That's what I need to talk about - focus on the CULTURAL aspect of Chinese weather O_o;;; Okay.

I need to focus on this. OK, I wanted to figure out what I needed to do for next week. It's hard because people are going around doing stuff.
Tomorrow I'm describing my potential future, the day after I'll discuss Spencer [first kiss] and decide whether he was my first love (I think that's a kid in Sunday school, rather), I'll pick out 10 songs I like since I've basically abandoned my iPod, next I'll bullet point the day, next describe Russia again, then that's it for five days in advance.

Tomorrow I'll figure out what the rest of the week entails besides cleaning, next day begin in-class reviewing for the Friday political exam and PRESENT THIS POWERPOINT STUFF, the day after sort out Communism stuff with Dr Kirschenbaum, day after war stuff, day after that oboe... that's the end of the classwork five day outlook!

ETA: I just realised I have to substantially revise my HIS424 midterm. The number one thing my professor noted is that I toggle incessantly between in-text citations and footnotes. I am converting it all to footnotes since I think that way looks cleaner. But it also takes time. Plus, I need to think of what else I've learned from just that class. I might be confused with what I've been learning in War...

So is life going well for you?

weather, war, chinese, tea, 5 day alert window

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