The gigantic page goals from yesterpost have only meant taking care of Kassimeris and some of Yang. (And the first paragraph of Солженицын!)
I srsly can't read Roman letter Russian, which is proving to be a problem.
I seem to have done a little too much self-indoctrination: to me the only way Russian's right is in Cyrillic.
I really, really ought to make a PowerPoint about Chinese weather to explain my experience Monday. I've made 6 red slides! Okay, the rest will follow easily, since I've been talking with Dr Hilliker about it.
quietly looks at the lyrics for Я буду*
Okay. The reading stuff will come along. It's about time for other stuff.
THE MEME - the eighth day!
Day 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Day 02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years.
Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 04 - Your views on religion.
Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.
Day 06 - Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
Day 08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.
Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.
Day 11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.
Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.
Day 13 - Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
Day 14 - Your earliest memory.
Day 15 - Your favorite websites.
Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.
Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.
Day 18 - Your beliefs.
Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.
Day 20 - How important you think education is.
Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.
Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?
Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.
Day 24 - Your favorite movie and what it’s about.
Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you and why.
Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you.
Day 27 - A problem that you have had.
Day 28 - Something that you miss.
Day 29 - Goals for the next 30 days.
Day 30 - Your highs and lows of this month.
I report satisfaction with my Chinese excursion, even if my trip were laced with Russian cooties - I had Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov which I finished. Despite Chinese distraction.
Or was the Russian stuff the distraction?
So even if I'm largely dissatisfied, the trip to China was an extremely high point, around the three-quarters point when I had gotten used to Guizhou University and the instructors basically knew my ability. When they gave me a Chinese harp-type instrument to noodle around on, that was pretty neat!
I found it interesting how well I could communicate even if I can't really pretend any Chinese skill.
It seems in general I've fallen on the socialist side.