Title: So, About Jane...
clair-de-luneFandom: Prison Break
Characters: Lincoln/Jane
Category: Het
Rating: R
Word Count: ~ 520
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: So, there are a few things about Jane that make him... (Season 2)
Author’s Note: Written for
Bleeding Cuticles Challenge.
So, About Jane... )
Comments 12
This is a fantastic snapshot of a sexually confident woman, written so enticingly without making her into some kind of exploited, slightly distasteful toy (like, unfortunately, so many other het fics manage to do being the pretense of writing a sexually~evolved!female character). You've pulled it off beautifully, and crowned your achievement with the fantastic line, "Women like to get laid too."
Too right, Jane! :D
Thank you!
Jane didn't strike me as someone who would have let Lincoln treat her in such a way - admitting Lincoln would have tried, which... no - or shied away from what she wanted.
On a personal level, if I'm caught making a female character this kind of "toy" without a reason, I hope to be told so I can slap myself in the face ;)
Too right, Jane! :D
Pretty much the same reasons than Lincoln - minus maybe the three years of abstinence ;)
I so love them, and this is just awesome. I'd quote you my favorite parts, but it would just be a C&P of the whole 500 words. So great.
They so missed the boat with her. She was a GREAT character. Fifteen minutes of screen time and the fics it's spawned...just unreal.
Ahem. What I meant was, I'm so glad you liked it ;)
And how perfectly you brought them together, dear?!! Way to get maximum impact from around 500 words!! :)
See? Short fic. Hardly edited and made fat. I can do it - just not too often. Too bad you didn't beta that one *iz evil*
Thank you, Foxy *squishes you*
I love this pairing very much, and it's been so long since I read a Linc/Jane fic and this is just so good and now I'm babbling because SHE WAS AWESOME AND THEY JUST WASTED HER. *breathes*
Gorgeous fic, thank you!
Thanks ;)
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