Prison Break - So, About Jane...

Aug 08, 2010 16:38

Title: So, About Jane...
Author: clair-de-lune
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Lincoln/Jane
Category: Het
Rating: R
Word Count: ~ 520
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: So, there are a few things about Jane that make him... (Season 2)
Author’s Note: Written for rosie-spleen’s Bleeding Cuticles Challenge.

Thanks to mystressxoxo for the beta.
Long ago, I intended to write a Something About Jane ficlet that was supposed to be Lincoln/Jane and, somehow, became Sara/Jane. Go figure. Just finally making up to Linc here ;)

So, there are a few things about Jane that make him...

* *
She holds her ground and growls her irritation right in his face after he head-butted her. She barely takes the time to wipe her bleeding lip with the back of her hand before she straightens up and points an aggressive forefinger at him. He’s swiftly restrained and marched off by two goons, but her words, mood and intent are pretty clear.

She graciously accepts his short and silent apologies an hour later. No muss, no fuss, no hard feelings. He can’t actually be sure about the hard feeling part, but later that day, she kills for him, so he assumes the head-butting is already part of the past. She hardly knows him, and sure she kills for him for his father, but the guy is dead on the floor, Linc is alive, and Jane’s face merely contorts in slight regret.

When she brushes past him on her way out of the room, she smells of clean sweat, gun powder and sweet soap. She smells like a woman - except the gun powder, maybe - and it reminds him that it’s been a damn while.

The so pale skin of her cheeks doesn’t even flush a bit when she walks in on him in the bathroom; she crooks an eyebrow. He grabs a towel and protests, “Do you mind?” and she shakes her head - she’s fine, thanks for asking - suggesting for him to keep doing whatever it was he was doing. He does believe that she didn’t know he was in there, but she fucking doesn’t leave the room. He does believe that she was sincerely surprised to find him here, but she’s fucking staring at him, and the small towel is quickly becoming useless.

Then, the small towel is useless. Somehow, they’ve moved and she’s stripped out of her clothes. She’s gripping the edges of the sink, holding his gaze through the mirror and grinding her ass into him. When he looks down, his eyes fall on the generous and strong curves of her backside, and when he looks up, he can watch himself in the mirror, palming and squeezing her breasts. She smirks and licks the thumb he strokes gently on her swollen lip.

He probably asks her why she’s doing this, why she has agreed to do this, because her smirk widens. She twists her arm behind her, grips his buttock and kneads.

“I have a secret for you, Lincoln,” she says wickedly, her voice reeking of fake mystery. She clenches and unclenches rhythmically around him, meeting each of his thrusts in a way that’s going to make him come sooner rather than later. He gasps both in pleasure and in anticipation of her answer. Too much, too fast, too hard after too long. He’s pretty sure she won’t be mad at him if he’s a bit rough. “Women like to get laid too.”

He grins. Rough it is.

* *
So... there are a few things about Jane that will make him miss her when she drives away with his son in the backseat of her car.

--Comments are always welcome.

pairing: lincoln/jane, fanfic: english, writing: bleeding cuticles, fic: one shot, fandom: prison break, category: pwp

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