[Fic Index] Bones - The West Wing - The Good Wife

May 17, 2009 14:05

Fic Index: Bones - The Good Wife - The West Wing


Boston Legal


Doctor Who

Quantum Leap

Star Trek

The Avengers

The Borgias

The Good Wife

The West Wing


Of Lust and Sloth
“What’s your favorite sin, Sweets?”
PG-13. Cam, Sweets. Het or gen.

Reflections Upon a Birthday Candle
Anthropologically speaking... she wouldn’t go there.
G. Brennan, Booth. Gen.


Boston Legal

Twist and Bend (But Handle with Care)
We infer from it. We interpret it. We twist it.
PG. Shirley Schmidt, Alan Shore. Gen.



Cold Warmth
Patty Hewes has warm hands.
PG-13. Patty/Ellen. Femslash.


Doctor Who

G. Nine, Rose.


Quantum Leap

Looking for Nostalgia
He’s missing something he can’t even remember.
PG. Sam, Al. Gen.


Star Trek

There is a theory stating that, each time we make a choice, a new alternate universe is created.
G. Mr. Spock, Uhura. Gen.


The Avengers

Saving the Day
Steed is desperate, Emma is providential.
G. John Steed, Mrs. Peel. Gen.


The Borgias

Elusiveness of a Sin
Sin is such an elusive notion.
R. Season 3. Cesare/Lucrezia. Het.

The Key
Giulia’s last acquisition leaves Lucrezia wondering. Odd and unusual indeed.
PG-13. Season 1. Lucrezia/Giulia, implied Cesare/Lucrezia.

The Lesson
Show me if you learned your lesson...
PG-13. Season 1. Cesare/Lucrezia. Het.


The Good Wife

A Few Feelings Alicia Florrick Stirred Up
If surprise wasn’t a feeling Alicia Florrick arose in Kalinda, there were a few other ones she did stir up.
R. Alicia/Kalinda. Femslash.

A Woman of Many Qualities (Minus One Scratch on a Self-Imposed Contract)
Everything degenerates.
R. Alicia/Cary. Het.

Made for Walking
Ms. Sharma has a habit of wearing boots...
PG. Kalinda, Cary. Gen.

Expensive lipstick, over-sweet popcorn and a hint of sour coffee.
PG-13. Alicia/Kalinda. Femslash.

Of Whims and Tattoos
“I wouldn’t have thought a woman like you would have something like that.”
R. Alicia/Kalinda. Femslash.

Red & Gray
Red is so passé...
PG-13. Kalinda/Will, tiny hints of Alicia/Will and Alicia/Kalinda. Het.

Ten Shades of Alicia and Peter
Microfic meme.
PG-13. Alicia/Peter. Het.

You’re young, cute and smart. You have money, a wealthy family and, for now anyway, a good job. All reasons why you’re not used to women eluding or looking down on you.
R. Kalinda/Cary. Het.


The West Wing

CJ is sitting on the small couch behind the door. There are wool balls scattered all around her.
G. CJ, Danny. Gen.

It’s just the three of them now; the three of them and a new team
G. Post-series. Josh, Sam, Donna. Gen.

Same Ending
It always ends the same.
G. Josh, Sam. Gen.

Small Talk Between Heroines
Depending on their availabilities, they meet at each other’s place to spend the night together, chat and have a drink.
PG-13. CJ. Crossover, crackfic (Prison Break, The Pretender, The West Wing, Sex & the City, The Avengers)

So Soft
Leo has known the President for forty years.
G. Leo, POTUS. Gen.

Wedding, Huh?
“The union of two persons, Josh. For life if everything goes right.”
G. Josh, Donna. Gen.


fandom: the avengers, fandom: boston legal, fandom: star trek, fandom: prison break, fandom: damages, fanfics index, fandom: sex and the city, fandom: the good wife, fandom: the west wing

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